
Zen Buddhist converts to Christianity

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@Dino D

The search stops? Have you ever been to a revival meeting? Where 100+ people line up for religious experience? They seek just as much as your average Joe

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 minute ago, Rilles said:

@Dino D

The search stops? Have you ever been to a revival meeting? Where 100+ people line up for religious experience? They seek just as much as your average Joe

I havent been and i dont know the answers... i seem to observe this forum, Leo, and evan my ,,non dual" work as an infinite ever expanding unachivabele work and goal... its a very high level of knowing and sharp minded people here buut, as I said I dont see it working... religous people are evan more deluded and the trap and rabit finate and obvious so they seem mich more deluded and stupid... however from time to time there pop a people like egoless that seem authentic, that have happines shining from their faces and that claim it was Jesus, and its odten Jesus more then God ,,himself" soo i dont know... i just want probbably the same as everybody here, happines and truth...

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@Dino D How about you set some proper goals? Start small? Ask yourself whats possible to achieve for you right now? Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater

@egoless So what do your values look like now? For example Is it wrong to be gay? 

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Dino D forget the nonduality and follow what your heart says to you. Try at least for a month.

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Im openminded to the possibility that all of the non dual story is a statr of the brain/mind, that this world is how it is, that God as a superbeing does exist, and that Jesus is truly the way? Why? Not by logic (evan if the bible has logic)... so it does not make seanse, it isnt backed up witj science... so what tells me that... it tells me that the ,,Jesus way" works and the non dual way does not... Jesus gives and produces fruits and happy and fullfiled peple and Rupert Spira does not no matter how excellent and comfronting and logical he may sound... the truth will prevail, and Jesus seems to win... the false prohpets can be spoted by they fruits-they dont really produce them... hmm, but it can also be the other way around... we will see... maybe one day Leo will show us... for now he is just being amazing withot truly ,,making it"

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29 minutes ago, robdl said:

We can say it's fear of the void, fear of emptiness, fear of boredom, loneliness.  Or we can say perhaps on a more fundamental level that striving sustains the striver, seeking experience sustains/perpetuates the experience seeker.  

Thought seeking experience to self-sustain thought and the illusory sense of thinker?



Thought (response of knowledge, experience, through memory) with its impermanent nature, moves perpetually to bring about security “permanence” in its own impermanent and insecure structure. 


The cause and the effect are one single unitary movement in contradiction. 


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6 minutes ago, Dino D said:

Jesus gives and produces fruits and happy and fullfiled peple and Rupert Spira does not no matter how excellent and comfronting and logical he may sound... the truth will prevail, and Jesus seems to win... the false prohpets can be spoted by they fruits-they dont really produce them...

You answered yourself here. 

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6 minutes ago, Rilles said:

@Dino D How about you set some proper goals? Start small? Ask yourself whats possible to achieve for you right now? Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater

@egoless So what do your values look like now? For example Is it wrong to be gay? 

I set goals and just fall deepee into the hole... with small goals i fall just a little with big i fall more=problems, depression... many of you are so much more advanced, and dis so much more.then me, Leos the best example, I mean, who of us is really better then Leo, smarter, who knows the non dual truth, experience, and theory better, and still look at him, not there... and egoless, he is truly thinking and experiecing that he ,,has found" that the search is over, that he is happy, that he never were happy before Jesus came, evan with drugs... that nothing is compares to Jesus and so on... Rilles, be 100% honest, how is it by you personal? How do you feel, and think? Did you make it, are you happy? 

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2 minutes ago, egoless said:

You answered yourself here. 

I need to sleep now, tomorows work... i have to ask one thing of you... if you will stay christian, and belive in Jesus, I still ask you to stay on this forum... you dont have to post a lot, but stay and if needed spread the word of God, of Jesus and your story, debate sometimes... but dont leave... maybe someone needs you and your understanding... and to stay openmindes to the end, who knows, maybe you will change againg to non duality or something... so you have some responsibility to the people here, dont leave ;) yore precious to all of this... may Jesus lead the way 4 you... I dont have the power or will to fully commit to Jesus, and i will still comit partly to the non dual way, but I will counciously pray to him... maybe he will still lead me, or show himself... peace brother

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38 minutes ago, Dino D said:

Funny how nothing writes from an account named faceless and claims he is not a person... I know the theory, but i dont see the embodied reality of it i no one here... and not in me... still i see understanding in the human psyche, philosophy and many good people, so thx... maybe all of us here are driven by our unhappynes and search for God and love... if God is really Jesus then we will 4 ever search for answers in this forum and comolex and advanced spirituality without ever truly ,,making it" and pople will keep finding all of this in Jesus... maybe noooooot. I DONT KNOW AND I DONT CLAIM TO KNOW.

Start nearer with understanding the conditioned conditioned consciousness/stream of thought. 

Its rather important

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@Dino D don’t say no to Jesus. He loves you even when you turn your back on him. There can’t be otherwise you are his son. In all reflection - he lives in you! May he reveal himself to you one day. Good luck! 

Edited by egoless

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47 minutes ago, egoless said:

Because being empty is deception. You are always full of god. We are just being ignorant and hopeless. 

Hope is a indication of psychological dependence, a a movement of fear/time. A form of deception in itself. 

Rather interesting indeed. 

Investigate into the nature of Time and the thinker. 


Edited by Faceless

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Just now, Faceless said:

Hope is a indication of psychological dependence, a a movement of fear/time. A form of deception in itself. 

Rather interesting indeed. 

Investigate into the nature of Time and the thinker. 


I have done much contemplative investigations my friend. You know me from here. I am not new here. 

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It's about neither accepting or denying that which is unknowable. 


Start nearer to (the known) and one may see the significance of this. 

Edited by Faceless

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6 minutes ago, Faceless said:



Thought (response of knowledge, experience, through memory) with its impermanent nature, moves perpetually to bring about security “permanence” in its own impermanent and insecure structure. 


The cause and the effect are one single unitary movement in contradiction. 


So if thought can conjure a “thinker” out of its movement, then the “thinker” gives this sense of permanence, structure, and continuity you speak of.  I see that. But if thought is just mechanical, why is it concerned with permanence? Why not just be in flux and insecure, without permanence, operating in its natural way? Or is thought inherently just seeking permanence and there’s no answer as to why?

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Just now, Faceless said:

Start nearer with understanding the conditioned conditioned consciousness/stream of thought. 

Its rather important

The human psyche, the mind, the condicioning the relativism of or culture and whole perception of the world, understanding of belives, emotions and so on, has his place in human life (this can include evan many of the non dual conclusions) but it is possibile that everlasting peace, love, happines and meaning can only be achives trought Jesus and God... does it make seanse and logic, no... its just the evidence that i see by looking at people and what is happening... non duality does not seem to work, but you get a huge and big understanding from it, especialy in the human psyhology and mehanica of thw human existance... still, purpose, love and happines seam to be atainable trought Jesus but teought non duality not really... maybe Im perciving wrong and you faceless are not just explaining the theory but really feeling and living it... leo as example is not and that does he say... in fact he is only feeling good and meaningfull and so on while tripping (assumption)... god night for todaY, i have to sleep now... peace

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20 minutes ago, robdl said:

I see that. But if thought is just mechanical, why is it concerned with permanence? 

Great question friend. Well done 

Well thought attributes to itself as being independent of thought. It doesn’t see that is is mechanical. The thinker is created by the movement of thought, and then says that it isn’t. 

You are really getting this. It’s nice to see one who sees the significance. 

20 minutes ago, robdl said:

Or is thought inherently just seeking permanence and there’s no answer as to why?

Thought is a movement of fear, to anticipate for its own continuity, sustainment. 

Thought just looses track of its own movement. It creates illusion and acts as if were real.

 That is why it’s fundamental to understanding and maintaining  awareness of its movement. 

Edited by Faceless

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23 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Great question friend. Well done 

Well thought attributes to itself as being independent of thought. It doesn’t see that is is mechanical. The thinker is created by the movement of thought, and then says that it isn’t. 

You are really getting this. It’s nice to see one who sees the significance. 

Thought is a movement of fear, to anticipate for its own continuity, sustainment. 

Thought just looses track of its own movement. It creates illusion and acts as if were real.

 That is why it’s fundamental to understanding and maintain awareness of its movement. 

Perhaps it's not quite right for me to say that thought is a mechanical process - maybe that's only true in some aspects.    "Mechanical" can have a connotation of orderliness -- a cohesive system -- and the movement of thought is far more disjointed, fragmented, disorderly, self-undermining, self-deceiving, self-forgetting.  Like you said, losing track of its own movement.  A watch, as mechanical as it is, doesn't lose track of its own movement. 

Edited by robdl

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9 minutes ago, robdl said:

Perhaps it's not quite right for me to say that thought is a mechanical process - maybe that's only true in some aspects.    "Mechanical" can have a connotation of orderliness -- a cohesive system -- and the movement of thought is far more disjointed, fragmented, disorderly, self-undermining, self-deceiving, self-forgetting.  Like you said, losing track of its own movement.  A watch, as mechanical as it is, doesn't lose track of its own movement. 


Thought in of itself is coherent as long as it doesn't remain incoherent of its own movement. It’s the illusory entity that takes its imagined self as real, and the defending to maintain that entity’s permanence that causes the disorder. 

The next question would be is thought ultimately mechanical. Or is it intelligible. Can thought be straitened out? 

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