
Zen Buddhist converts to Christianity

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@egoless If I lack the understanding then how can you even help me? Do you see the problem here? I asked you 3 simple Qs and you said I wont understand. Why bother, bye bye!


ps. Forgive me if i hurt your feelins, i have a bad history with Christianity, alot of uncontrolled emotions 

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles youre unhappy ?and you didnt make it, ?not one nondualist here did ,,make it"... its an infinite proces of growrh and work that never brings liberation or happines...  but its personal development that gives us benefits... that what egoless claims that he has found is the goal of all of us... but i dont see it happening with nonduality... we just get more advanced in understanding our sufferung and getting wise and mindfull, some of us are getting more understanding, lovely, calm but not trully liberated, happy and fullfiled... it seams that egoless does, that the ,,Jesus path" can give you that... but maybe thats also a fanatic delusion and a kind of ,,triping" and blind beliving with strong pshylogical effects...soo egoless and his ego and person are not that much relevant as pure facts are... you follow nonduality and get into an infinite never ending and never arriving work of nothing (devils deception????) You follow Jesus and this is it... simply... we have to see it 4 our selfs... I have to, i dont know but im very much affected from those ,,new age (and nonduality) to christanity testiminials"  like egoless has... sound kind of a truth...

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Just now, Rilles said:

@Dino D Where did i say i was unhappy?

Sorry, Im making assumptions, didnt wanted to affect you... arent we all... 

Im not here because im perfecltly happy, fullfiled, comolete and so on... 

You dont really go into personal develipment, hard personal work, forums like this if you do live in a perfects harmony and are the embodyment of Gods love... I will assume that im more happy then you and that i have a better life then you (belive me) but belive me my friend, Im not trully and deeply happy, at peace or fullfiled, and i doubt that anyone here is... but of course maybe they is... 

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@Dino D If you pursue happiness you will always end up like this. Love is the answer. 

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51 minutes ago, egoless said:

Your questions lack the understanding of who Jesus is. You lack the understanding what it means that the god himself came into human being and was crucified for our sins. Human nature is sinful and Jesus is the savior of all of us. Losing Jesus is your choice. Jesus doesn’t punish anyone. It’s always your choice wether you live with or without the love of God. 

You are calling me a wall and expect me to answer your questions which I still did by the way. If Following nonduality made you such a disrespectful person towards human life maybe it’s time to challenge your worldview?

P.S. As I have told you many times I have seen the both perspectives and I was in deep nondual practices. The Truth has been revealed to me after I made the first step towards Jesus. 

Jesus is or Jesus was?

Do you know what the original meaning of sin is?

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@Leo Gura I have seen your second video on the blog. Seems like you have found out that God is personal, alive and infinitely intelligent. Congratulations! Maybe it is time to make a true leap of faith towards the personal God?  

Edited by egoless

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1 hour ago, fabriciom said:

Jesus is or Jesus was?

Do you know what the original meaning of sin is?

To speak ill against the self. Like God putting a little note in it’s lunch box that says -  be yourself, I am that I am. The hard facet is of course, it’s all self. 



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Both Zen Bhuddhists and Christians are retards. Only who is no one is God 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

To speak ill against the self. Like God putting a little note in it’s lunch box that says -  be yourself, I am that I am. The hard facet is of course, it’s all self. 

Sorry? Are you referring to me speaking ill for asking 2 questions?

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