
Zen Buddhist converts to Christianity

170 posts in this topic

Just now, egoless said:

my guide is Jesus himself and the word of god - the holy bible. He touched me with his whole glory the moment I made leap of belief towards him. He saved me from no self. 

I heard christian testimonials, i watched evan videos... I saw happines, but i stay critical, is seams very easily like an ego thing... like a belive, like fanatism, not many intilligent people (from those that I saw) ... i see this behavior in cults, therorist, football comunities, and so on... still who knows, many assumptions here by me... your nickname is egoless, but its not easy to get much from a egoless, its like youre not willing to give... 

There are indeed many false prophets out there in the world. They all sound just like you, and nothing like Christ. Since they are not Christ-like, I do not listen to them----thats a comment under Steven Bancarz video... I see many egoic fanatism in paople who claim ,,christian stuff" like you... Ruper Spira is much more loving and Jesus like then any priest or christian that I know... just an example... I am more loving, and giving and rightfull (with all my sins also) then other christian people who wear Jesus shirts, go full time to church and so on... and I bet Jesus sees more of his teachings in me then in those guys... Hoever I dont know, I'm also empty, not really happy and I would love and desire to find ,,that Jesus" and his love and have a spiritual happy life...

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@Dino D you are confusing blind and false christianity with the true followers of christ. There is infinite gap between the sincere faith, born again christian and fanatism. 

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1 minute ago, MarkusSweden said:

@Quanty @Rilles @egoless @Dino D @Etagnwo @Ether

Why is there so many ideas about truth/God? 

I get confused! :S


why not be simply on this one... 7 bilion people, 7 bilion minds, 7 bilion combinations, 7 bilion ideas... and if we take all of the people that lived since the begining of humanity, how many combinations do we get, 100  000 000 bilions of ideas of God? and 0,0001% of this are great ideas, wi still got (not the maths slides of) like hunderds of good ideas of truth/ God... however, non duality is found in many minds, religions, and experiences, evan philosoph trought the history of humans, Leo has a video on in... sooo, the same truth is repeted many times trought the history of those many ideas that you mention... The truth wins and it is repeted...

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@Dino D I was also like you. With no self, everything was dead and the reality did not feel real. I was stuck in the dream but the moment Jesus touched me everything awoke and the life became colored again...

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1 minute ago, Dino D said:

why not be simply on this one... 7 bilion people, 7 bilion minds, 7 bilion combinations, 7 bilion ideas... and if we take all of the people that lived since the begining of humanity, how many combinations do we get, 100  000 000 bilions of ideas of God? and 0,0001% of this are great ideas, wi still got (not the maths slides of) like hunderds of good ideas of truth/ God... however, non duality is found in many minds, religions, and experiences, evan philosoph trought the history of humans, Leo has a video on in... sooo, the same truth is repeted many times trought the history of those many ideas that you mention... The truth wins and it is repeted...


Off topic.

I heard that BiH has the tallest people in the world by average. 

Is that true? Are you like 2m or something? ;) 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@egoless So basically the truth was too intense for you so you found something comforting to cling to, it all makes sense now. ;)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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2 minutes ago, Rilles said:

@egoless So basically the truth was too intense for you so you found something comforting to cling to, it all makes sense now. ;)

Not when I was “inside” the deception. It felt like I was in constant bliss and infinity. There was full detachment from the separate self.

Edited by egoless

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1 minute ago, Rilles said:

@egoless So basically the truth was too intense for you so you found something comforting to cling to, it all makes sense now. ;)

Hehe, Rilles, you looking for an argument with egoless today, huh? :D

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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3 minutes ago, egoless said:

@Dino D you are confusing blind and false christianity with the true followers of christ. There is infinite gap between the sincere faith, born again christian and fanatism. 

Is Ruper Spira wrong?  Bonus: will he go to hell, is he against Jesus... Just answer...

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1 minute ago, Dino D said:

Is Ruper Spira wrong?  Bonus: will he go to hell, is he against Jesus... Just answer...

From my perspective he is wrong about God. I don’t know. Hell is the “place” where there is no god. 

Edited by egoless

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15 minutes ago, egoless said:

@Dino D I was also like you. With no self, everything was dead and the reality did not feel real. I was stuck in the dream but the moment Jesus touched me everything awoke and the life became colored again...

Yes, many say that this goes away, that you have to go deeper, transcedend evan this, that this is a ego thing and so on... I just dont see so much success as it should be in all of this ,,non dual" way, and there is many depression, but also so much insides and understanding... And those who met Jesus seem very convincing, very happy... its not complicated, there is not much theory, its just Jesus and his love, and God... but on the other way there are many psyhological mehanisms that could explain the mehanics of such happenings... when you dont have meaning, and youre depressed and when you trully start to belive a story, a belief, a delusion you can get happy and full of your belief... many fanatics and psyhosis guys experience that... I DONT KNOW... just my opservations... here is another one... Leo did(spiritual work) much more then I will ever do, he is smarter then me, and he did not make it (like rupert did, oj mojiji or Francis asis, or Jesus or Budha)... also did you... but the Jesus way seams to ,,work better" so confusing...

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11 minutes ago, Dino D said:

Yes, many say that this goes away, that you have to go deeper, transcedend evan this, that this is a ego thing and so on...

I did not “feel” that way when I was deceived. It felt like I was in constant bliss and infinity. There was full detachment from the separate self. However that was revealed as self hypnosis and self deception when I finally truly woke up to the truth of Jesus.

Edited by egoless

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6 minutes ago, egoless said:

From my perspective he is wrong about God. I don’t know. Hell is the “place” where there is no god. 

There are no logical explonations from the rupert spiras way, or the non dual way: why is this all happening(or not happening) at all, how? christians mirracle healings, what is in deep sleep, why no one of ruperts followers didnt make it like rupert did, whats up with the soul, whats with deep sleep, why am I not aware of other peoples thoughts, why do you say that there is not one room and 20 people in it, but they are 20 rooms and no people... why cant you prove many of this what you say (in an scientific or other way) and many more questions, I posted many of them on youtube and here on this forum, some were answered, some not...

the most adcanced guys here are the ones who do so much ,,foruming" and more searching and doing and what not... I dont see Jesuses in them, not do I see that they found true happiness or other blisses or peaces... So it is by me... Evan Leo says what to do in a bad trip, if nothing worsk pray to Jesus... strange... The Bible is written and edited by humans, by the church, by storry telling... who knows what Jesus said and teached and where he came from and what exactly happend... I really belive that the Bible has many many teachings that come from something like a higher counciousness, a higher self or if you will from the CHRISTIAN GOD HIMSELF, and from JESUS, but I CAN NOT BELIVE THAT NOTHING OF IT WASNT ERASED EDITED AND CHANGED FROM THE CORRUPT CHUCRCH AND POLITICS, so i hardly can trust and live by the BIBLE... still if you experience and feel Jesus and God, then this is authentic enought... I also think that you should radiate and manifest the JESUS teachings and Biblical values personaly... you should radiate love if this is real... like the non dualist should radiate understanding, happines, BIG PEACE, emptiness, bliss and not fucking depression, anxiety, restnessnes and so much more thing that thay have to spiritualy do and achive to finally get there but they dont...

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@Dino D if you read the holy Bible you will see the godly synchronicity between the Old Testament and New Testament which were written in completely different time periods. Plus if you do little research on the fact of how the holy Bible was rewritten and preserved then it will open your eyes. Plus all the historical signs and facts. 

Edited by egoless

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33 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:


Off topic.

I heard that BiH has the tallest people in the world by average. 

Is that true? Are you like 2m or something? ;) 

NOOO. :) we are probablly average Europeans... we are very friendly and comunicative, especially my part of the country... as example on my wedding I expect about 1500 people, and on funerals there come 500 people in average sometimes evan 2000, you know and you talk with every neighbour and you do visit them, we talk with new people like we know them and give them much hospitality... so those are more interesting facts then hights...

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1 minute ago, egoless said:

@Dino D if you read the holy bible you will see the godly synchronicity between the Old Testament and New Testament which were written in completely different time periods. Plus if you do little research on the fact of how the holy Bible was rewritten and preserved then it will open your eyes. Plus all the historical signs and facts. 

What do you think of judaism? It has the old testament in it.

Is jesus the reason you go with christianity over judaism? 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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3 minutes ago, Dino D said:

NOOO. :) we are probablly average Europeans... we are very friendly and comunicative, especially my part of the country... as example on my wedding I expect about 1500 people, and on funerals there come 500 people in average sometimes evan 2000, you know and you talk with every neighbour and you do visit them, we talk with new people like we know them and give them much hospitality... so those are more interesting facts then hights...

Interesting, I have a friend from Montenegro, I think it has border with BiH. Very friendly people. 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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2 minutes ago, egoless said:

@Dino D if you read the holy bible you will see the godly synchronicity between the Old Testament and New Testament which were written in completely different time periods. Plus if you do little research on the fact of how the holy Bible was rewritten and preserved then it will open your eyes. Plus all the historical signs and facts. 

Funny how you have the need to replay only on the stuff that attacks the christian belief... The new testament was written 100 years after the life of Jesus, and the story was transmited mouth to mouth, written differently by 13 evangelists from witch only 4 were accepted by an organisations called THE CHURCH who then choose what is legitimete, and they edited all of thet by little and put a offitial version out that againg was a little bit changed trought history... I just can not belive a story that was told mouth by mouth trought 1000 years and writenn by people... just like that... and I'm not an expert, if I should speek authentically about the bible I think a have to study this proffessionaly for many years...

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4 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

What do you think of judaism? It has the old testament in it.

Is jesus the reason you go with christianity over judaism? 

I dont know how this qouting works... the notifications worked like you qoutoed mee, i dont know if egoless is notified... however, just saying... And I will ansewer to you by assumption... He goes with christianity because he experienced JESUS trought the Bible and trought Jesus himself... he was a ,,nondualist" and unsatisfied and not happy, his search and heart lead him to christianity, he met Jesus, happy end... this is it... its not a mind think, a choosing or something... there is no reason, choosing or logic in a first place... its Jesus, pure love and meaning... remember, thats me writing by assumption :D hh

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