
"Do we live in a Virtual Reality?" - New upcoming Q.P. experiments & documentary

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I'm not sure if this has already been talked about in the forum, since I'm new here, but I couldn't find anything through a couple searches so I'll bring it up.


Tom Campbell (retired physicist, author of "My Big TOE"; Leo has mentioned him in a video in the past) started a Kickstarter campaign a couple of weeks ago to finance the realization of a few never-before-done physics experiments (which are described in a paper he co-authored which has been peer-reviewed and published in the International Journal of Quantum Foundations) that aim to produce strong evidence that we indeed live in a simulation.


In his book ("Big TOE" = "Big-picture Theory of Everything"), he describes a model of reality in which consciousness is the foundation, and our physical universe is derivative of it.

That book is so intelligently structured that it managed to convince me (I consider it to be reasonably hard for me to buy into charlatanism) that it's a strong possibility. And a whole bunch of stuff that Leo talks about in the videos align very neatly with his model of reality.


In addition to doing the experiments, they're shooting a documentary about it, and they hope to get the conversation started world-wide and getting scientists to shift from a paradigm of materialism to one of consciousness-based reality.

Luckily, at this point in the campaign, the $150,000 USD goal has been reached and that means that this is definitely happening. We can expect the documentary to be ready at some point next year.

I'm not sure if it'd be against the rules to post the link to it, since the rules say "no soliciting of any kind" (although that wouldn't be the point of posting it, since the crowdsourcing goal has already been met) but instead of risking a ban my very first day in the forum I'll leat you look it up if you're interested.


I hope some of you find this interesting.

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The zombies yes, they totally live in a mind setup invented reality. 

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Links should be fine, :) 

I've been following Tom on the periphery ever since I was exposed to MBT a few years ago. He is a unique and wonderful figure. I like how in his model it all ultimately boils down to 'growing up to become love' by making good decisions and ridding yourself of fear. 

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@Arman Thanks for your comment, I'll link to the campaign after all.


It's a pretty exciting project, I can't wait to see the results.

Also, Arman, did you notice how the final message of the latest Actualized.org video (after the 30-day retreat) was that the most important thing there is is increasing consciousness quality? I notice correlations a lot between Leo's perception of reality and Tom's. I definitely have come to orient my life toward growing up, overcoming fear and ego, becoming love. Great to see the message being propagated.

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Quantum Mechanics from the 1920's already clearly demonstrated this.

You can lead a mule to water, but you cannot make him drink.

Rationalists & materialists are not open to the idea that reality is virtual. It's not a matter of lack of evidence, it's a matter of closedmindness.

But good luck to Tom.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, abfd said:

@Arman Thanks for your comment, I'll link to the campaign after all.


It's a pretty exciting project, I can't wait to see the results.

Also, Arman, did you notice how the final message of the latest Actualized.org video (after the 30-day retreat) was that the most important thing there is is increasing consciousness quality? I notice correlations a lot between Leo's perception of reality and Tom's. I definitely have come to orient my life toward growing up, overcoming fear and ego, becoming love. Great to see the message being propagated.

It's a very positively oriented way to live, and a very useful way to contextualize difficulties... has definitely made my life a lot more satisfying. :) 

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40 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

I don't think you have earlier thought that reality is a simulation/virtual reality? I believe "Matrix" and computer simulation are different words for simulation/virtual reality.

So you have got a new stance on this? In that case this is big news?

Saying "Reality is virtual" is identical to saying "Reality is Nothing" or "Reality is an illusion" or "Reality is a hallucination" or "Reality is consciousness".

Although I don't think Campbell actually realizes that it's not only virtual, but also infinite, and that time is NOT fundamental.

I don't consider Campbell enlightened. Although his teachings are quite good. He's missing the final crowning insight of nonduality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Quantum Mechanics from the 1920's already clearly demonstrated this.

You can lead a mule to water, but you cannot make him drink.

Rationalists & materialists are not open to the idea that reality is virtual. It's not a matter of lack of evidence, it's a matter of closedmindness.

But good luck to Tom.

There is no evidence this all virtual though.

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7 hours ago, Ether said:

There is no evidence this all virtual though.

"Evidence" is virtual.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

"Evidence" is virtual.

@Leo Gura  You say a lot with few words.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

"Evidence" is virtual.

Bruh. LOL. Leo you say some funny shit.

A belief is not a fact. Sorry, buddy. You cant awaken with beliefs (wink wink).

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