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About Consciousness

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I find it so risky to write on such subjects; since I am most likely asleep in most of the dimensions of the realization work. 

I'd like to suggest to be more careful, caring and attentive whenever we want to discuss these things; otherwise it really becomes a very smart way of keeping ourselves distracted and asleep where we are; way more distracting than our mundane goals and ambitions.

Once there was a post in the forum: a guy discovers using his alarm clock as a way to awake himself up in his day time from his unconsciousness. It works for him because he is already aware that he falls asleep so quick and also he is willing to do something about it.

When people like Leo, wants to bring this type of awakening to us, it is so tricky and difficult to be receptive to that. For example, Muhammad, in Islam wanted use a similar method to that guy who uses his alarm clock to help himself; but it only works for the guy because he is already aware to a point. As being someone who lived in an Islamic country and heard what awakening call five times a day; I witnessed people still keep being wherever they were in their consciousness state; even if they stopped and prayed or 'remembered god' there wasn't a shift in their awareness, not even a bit.. The conditioning is such a strong blockage to overcome.

Here in west, for the sake of 'look aware' mostly everyone hides behind the mental discussions but really nothing changes at the end of the day.

That's why I'm almost 'scared' to write anything in the forum about these subjects, that I might be deluding myself even more. Mental activity is not the consciousness work. It might be a helpful tool but has to be used very very carefully in my opinion.

It's fascinating that Leo's first video is about consciousness after his retreat; -and really what else could have been expected other than that when a being intentionally invests its existence to grasp the nature of existence- but the point is how can you communicate these things? He is doing an exquisite job, but how it's gonna register within us? And more, how are we gonna able to shift our priorities to do the consciousness work at the first place? Knowing the importance is one thing from his and other masters' videos, but how are we gonna get into 'doing' the work in the right order in our lives.. that's the question I have, for myself and for every one of us..


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