
What Is It Like To Be Conscious During Dreamless Sleep?

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In Leo's newest video, he mentions one can remain conscious during dreamless sleep.  For those of you who can do this, what is this experience like?  Since there are no objects during dreamless sleep, what can you even experience while you are conscious during this time? Blackness?  Thanks guys and looking forward to your responses.

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It is a very deep meditation. One can also start meditation before sleeping and wake up in the same state or maybe more blissful. 

I usually experience very nice blissful and healing like feelings, like when you grow as a little kid. Felling the moment and you don't even bother if there is no entertainment, you simply enjoy the sensations of the body. 

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It's no different, only you're there. Last time it happened I started laughing hysterically, realizing what had happened. Waking consciously is one of the strangest experiences I've had. I can't be bothered trying to describe it well but it feels like you're being funneled out of a void. Like a black hole. Made me wonder for a long time.

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