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Everything Seems More Refined To Me Now

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Hey guys, I realized after meditating for a few months everything in life seems more refined to me now. For example when I go out, the trees and nature in general amazes me with its beauty. I feel like I could not see the beauty of nature before I started meditating but I can now. Everything just looks amazing now. Anyone feel this way as well?

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It`s usual. First signs of mystical experience called `nature mysticism`.

A big step and one you`ll always will remember. Good for when some hard times are arriving...9_9

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@Sukhpaal i feel exactly this too.. for more than a year now.. and it seems even to increase.. It's amazing isn't it?

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I am always amazed by nature, and not always even "living" nature. There is a place I went to on the Jurassic coast in the UK, an exposed coastline from the Jurassic era where the layers in the cliffs were laid down in different times 150-200 million years ago with fossil remains of life visible in the rock mainly in the form of ammonites. I spent a lot of time there just pondering the huge amount of time that had passed and history that was laid down. I can't claim this process was bringing me any more "present" lol, but it is certainly mind-expanding, if not "spiritual" to be in awe of this, to feel the elements, breath the air, smell the almost oily layers in the rock, feel the hard cold rock and just let the mind focus on this "other world" for some precious moments.

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And you are meditating just for few months! Imagine in 5 years! You will be much more mindful of all your experiences that's why mindfulness is by far the most important skill to develop in our life, in my opinion.

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