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A question about spending time

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Hello. I am a 18 year old freshman and I have 3 more years to study. Lately I've been kinda concerned with how I use my time. I also started playing guitar recently and I'm thinking about whether I should do that or do something more 'practical' / 'results-oriented'.

What do you think - what is best for a student: to cut out all the unnecessary stuff and fill his / her life with self-actualization work and study or to keep a balance between the two?

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Here’s some practical wisdom I can give you 

  1. Today is the first day of the rest of your life 
  2. You need to find balance with the things you want to do. And when you want to do it, you can do it!   
  3. Understand that you’re in a game that everyone else is playing, yes that includes me. 
  4. Don’t believe everything you see and read. Believe only in yourself!

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