
Evil and lack of consciousness

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The illusion of Evil comes from not knowing self thus not understanding oneness.


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@now is forever There is still a problem with calling something "deconstructive" because there is an implicit assumption that deconstruction is bad. And whether something is decontructive depends on your self-agenda. Hitler's Holocaust was constructive from his POV. And the meteor wiping out the dinosaurs was constructive for many species, but destructive to the dinosaurs.

When you judge whether something is destructive, you are effectively saying, "That is destructive TO ME and the status quo that helps my survival."

There is no such thing as Absolute construction or destruction. The death of one universe gives rise to another.

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There's no evil,only mental sickness. Beyond "spiritual" concerns,one cannot discount the biological,genetic,environmental factors involved. Someone with a diagnosed condition due to multiple factors (biological,genetic,upbringing etc.,), doesn't just have a lack of consciousness.

Aside from that,society and upbringing play a vital role. Take someone who's born into a highly unconscious abusive,poor situation/familial environment, lacking ethical and moral standards,and is neglected/deprived of love,inclusiveness,compassion,healthy self esteem etc., and you have the makings of a person who is likely to go on to do the so called, "evil" things, that are done in society.

If anything is lacking in society and the world as a whole,it is the lack of love and compassion. We are taught to compete,be selfish,rise above,be better,smarter,richer,more athletic than our fellow man. It's all about getting ahead. And the root cause of all of it,is fear. Fear, is the cause for belief,religious or otherwise,because to admit to not know (about anything really),makes one vulnerable and insecure. Fear/insecurity drives hate,anger,abuse,and the unethical/immoral "acts of evil" seen in the world.

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@who chit And fear comes from the ego-mind. The less conscious one is, the more fear one has.

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48 minutes ago, who chit said:

And the root cause of all of it,is fear. Fear, is the cause for belief,religious or otherwise,because to admit to not know (about anything really),makes one vulnerable and insecure. Fear/insecurity drives hate,anger,abuse,and the unethical/immoral "acts of evil" seen in the world.

Indeed.....And what is the root cause fear??? 


And ego-mind @Leo Gura

Couldn't we say the ego is fear itself? 

And fear/ego are a manifestation thought? 

Edited by Faceless

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@who chit And fear comes from the ego-mind. The less conscious one is, the more fear one has.

I totally agree.


2 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Indeed.....And what is the root cause fear??? 


And ego-mind @Leo Gura

The individual false/egoic "I" thought. The thought concept/belief,memory that "I am a body-mind. A separate being or individual"

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12 minutes ago, who chit said:

I totally agree.


The individual false/egoic "I" thought. The thought concept/belief,memory that "I am a body-mind. A separate being or individual"


There’s perception, contact, sensation, then thought comes in “Knowledge, Experience, Memory”, then there is identification “the i” that identifies the above sensations. 

In this we have the movement of desire, pleasure which inevitably breeds fear. Desire, (time) for the most part the origin of the “i”...



Did I roll this out correctly to you @who chit?

Edited by Faceless

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47 minutes ago, Faceless said:

There’s perception, contact, sensation, then thought comes in “Knowledge, Experience, Memory”, then there is identification “the

Yeah,the first "I" thought is "I am the body-mind". With contact,sensation,perception,there's the taught/accumulated knowledge,memory,experience "I am the body-mind". When one is identified with the body-mind,their concept of what "me" or "I" as a person is, built upon whatever thought,belief,sensation,desire (to pursue or avoid) arises,
it will be in dualism to that which is in relation to it.

The way it is perceived for me is,without the movement of thought,there can be no personal "I"/ego,attached to a belief of being the body-mind. If abiding in ones true nature,formless,empty awareness, there can be a movement of thought,sensation,perception but no identification. It is very clear that,that movement,sensation is not "me", but just a happening ,that rises and falls within the vast,infinite,emptiness of That or true Self/"I". The formless,ever aware,knowing "I".
Just Being.No thoughts,no personal/ego "I" or "me", no movement of desire.

Does that make sense??


Edited by who chit

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1 hour ago, Faceless said:

Couldn't we say the ego is fear itself? 

And fear/ego are a manifestation thought? 

I can agree with this.

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24 minutes ago, who chit said:

Yeah,the first "I" thought is "I am the body-mind". With contact,sensation,perception,there's the taught/accumulated knowledge,memory,experience "I am the body-mind". When one is identified with the body-mind,their concept of what "me" or "I" as a person is, built upon whatever thought,belief,sensation,desire (to pursue or avoid) arises,
it will be in dualism to that which is in relation to it.

The way it is perceived for me is,without the movement of thought,there can be no personal "I"/ego,attached to a belief of being the body-mind. If abiding in ones true nature,formless,empty awareness, there can be a movement of thought,sensation,perception but no identification. It is very clear that,that movement,sensation is not "me", but just a happening ,that rises and falls within the vast,infinite,emptiness of That or true Self/"I". The formless,ever aware,knowing "I".
Just Being.No thoughts,no personal/ego "I" or "me", no movement of desire.

Does that make sense??


I’m meeting you. 


24 minutes ago, who chit said:

abiding in ones true nature,formless,empty awareness, there can be a movement of thought

Except I think here there would be no thought (memory,knowledge, experience)

There would be only awareness. But I think we are talking of the same thing. 

Actually it’s quite nice to meet with another without having to have a series of discussions. Thank you??

Edited by Faceless

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26 minutes ago, Faceless said:

I’m meeting you. 


Except I think here there would be no thought (memory,knowledge, experience)

There would be only awareness. But I think we are talking of the same thing. 

Actually it’s quite nice to meet with another without having to have a series of discussions. Thank you??

:).  I agree. Thank you also for being here and sharing your words of insight. They often help me inquire and reflect on the deeper knowing,that ultimately is within us all.

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12 hours ago, Spacious said:

the Wachowskis understand these concepts way beyond copy and pasting. The trilogy is fucking deep

Then why were the last two Matrix movies so terrible?

Too much showboating, not enough metaphysics.

Wasted opportunity. I was hoping they would go deep with it and reveal that even the outside-the-Matrix world is also an illusion. There are no AIs. The Matrix is not happening inside a computer, but inside another Matrix, to infinity, with no beginning or end.

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5 minutes ago, Spacious said:

I prefer not to let other people tell me what to think. You know how culture fucks you in the ass 'n all.

Feels more like I got fucked by Matrix 3.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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