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Talent and iq is a myth

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It would be nice with a video on this. I think too many people believe in this fixed mindset which the only thing it really does is limit people potential which means it limits people growth which also make it toxic. 

IQ wasn't originally used for what it is used for today if I remember right or at least not for everyone. And the research on expertise doesn't seem to have found anyone with any talent.  (it all comes down to practice but you aren't born with specific abilities like music or math)

you will find this if you look at the origin of IQ and looking at the research on Deliberate practice. 

I know there already is a video on the website about talent but I think it would be nice with an in-depth video on the youtube channel so its more likely more people will see it.

Anderson Erickson who is the father of deliberate practice call the human species Homo Exercens for our ability to consciously Improve ourselves. 

Edited by BjarkeT
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