
Needing some prayer and support...

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Hey guys...

So just when I think things are going good and I am feeling happy and energized with life, reality comes and just knocks me down again....

I got into a pretty bad car accident a few weeks ago.. I was feeling pretty confident and good about my current position, because I know my light was yellow when I entered the intersection, and I have witnesses to say the same.. She had a witness as well, but we were working on discrediting him because he was being very weird at the accident site (kept going to the other lady's car to pull stuff out, you don't just let a stranger go to your car alone and go through it)

I work for a great Law Firm and presented my case to them right away and have been just feeling grateful on how things turned out. It could have been way worse and I was thankful my daughter wasn't in the car with me.

So we have been waiting for her Insurance company to take responsibility for the crash to just end things quickly and move on with life. They finally called today and said that they won't pay because of her witness statement saying I "ran a red light".... So this means that we will now have to go to court to fight this decision and they told me this process could take a long time.... 

In the meantime, I am stuck without a car... Bumming rides from mine and my husbands parents and it has just been stressful on them... And now my job is also starting to stress because I have been late a few times because of all of this...

I try my best to stay positive and reassured... but hearing those words, "they denied it", just plummeted my spirit way down.... My lawyer seems to be confident... so why am I stressing it? 

I thought I was doing so well... but now this... I feel like I just want to melt away from all of this shit... it feels like too much... and then knowing that I shouldn't feel this way just makes me feel worse...

I don't know what to do right now... I just want to cry.... it just doesn't seem fair.... I don't want to feel this way... but I can't control it....

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@zoey101 Well cry then, you’ll probably feel better afterwards.   Sounds like you didn’t have collision coverage...? Some collision shops with take small monthly payments. If you have insurance, your agent might know someone at a shop who might help with that.   It’s hard to be young sometimes. Keep your head (and spirits) up. 



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I'm right there with you Zoey in an extremely challenging and tough legal situation. Trade you prayers for prayers. 

"This too shall pass".

"Expect the best, accept the worst" -InfinitePotential

Good luck

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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@Nahm I did have coverage... but I think my Insurance adjuster said that it will go to my loan company because I still owed on the car...

The Paralegal I spoke to said the way things look right now, I'm not getting any money... We have to wait to file for the case and some other bullshit... 

I can't cry right now because I'm actually still at work.... and my position is right up front....


@InfinitePotential thank you... I'll pray for you too.. 

Edited by zoey101

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@zoey101 If I’m understanding...you won’t owe any money...the insurance will pay off your loan. Then go get another car, with a new loan.   No?



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@Nahm I won't owe the loan company, that's right. I had GAP Insurance for the car, thank God...

but I don't have the money for a new car... We went through our savings because even though I'm not at fault, I had to pay a lot of stuff out of pocket until I'm reimbursed... (car rental, prescription medication, and other fees here and there).... my savings went from 2,500 to now just barely 200.... 

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Youll be alright Zoey! Remember that life comes in waves, try to stay aware and look at what you can learn from this experience! Sending my compassion to you! ??

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@zoey101 Tough times can be useful. Let the thoughts about the future go, and presence, awareness arises. Adversity allows insight to ‘who you really are’. 

I’m still worried & stressed” - It’s helpful to replace those words with “over thinking”. One of the simplest, most effective practices is to take a little piece of paper, write thinking on one side, and awareness on the other, and just keep it on you desk, or in your pocket. If you feel any stress, use that piece of paper to show you it’s because you’re thinking, flip the paper and let it remind you to return to awareness. Out of your head and into the room. Aware of what is seen, heard, felt, etc. 

Well being & relief while sitting at your desk today;



 Keep your feel good momentum going! (By letting go of the thoughts, returning to awareness) I know you have many responsibilities, but be outdoors as much as possible today, even if that means a couple minutes here and there away from your desk. And - Look up! Every time you’re outside. Look up! See?



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I hope you can get some peace soon.  Each person gets these kinds of life crises.  Control what you can.  What you can’t control, don’t stress about it, it’s pointless.  Exercise very well all the control you have to bring peace to yourself and to resolve the crisis. 

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@Nahm @Joseph Maynor Thank you. I was able to snap out of it some thanks to my dad ^_^


My dad drove me to work this morning and told me about how he had to do some electrical work on some ladies house. The whole time he is there, he can't shake the feeling that he has seen this woman before. So he talks to her a bit and gets to ask her "so how have you been doing, ma'am?" The woman replies "not too great actually. I got into a car accident a few weeks ago and I'm still sore from it all." 

That being said, my dad immediately recognized this woman as the woman that I got into the car accident with. He said he got so uncomfortable and just finished his word and got out of there.

What a small world we live in. 


I have no clue why, but hearing this made me just break out into laughter and I feel like I'm seeing a little clearer now :)

My lawyer told me this was a possibility, so I wasn't necessarily shocked by the news. I let the stress of uncontrollable factors get to me.  

I have a great lawyer, thanks to my amazing job. Although it has been stressful, mine and my husbands parents have been incredibly supportive and have helped us every step of the way. My husband also got news from one of his coworkers that they are willing to work with us on payments for a car they need to get rid of to pay some bills. God is good! and I allowed myself to forget that He is always looking out for me :)

I'm sorry for the bipolar posts :$ 

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Glad you're feeling better.

This thread really got me concered when I thought everything was okay with you.

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Never worry about money nor material things, never! Even if one loses a job or get homeless. 

Why do i say this? I had a life-threatening situation in court with my brother. There is real stress when you don't know if your relative comes alive or not. (got beaten to the unconscious while he was serving a couple of months in the highest security prison in London)

Maybe this is one of the reasons, people who suffer so much, they detach from the material, and awaken. 

I know it is stressful for you now. But when you will have a life-threatening situation, this incident will look like kindergarten. 


Blessings, i wish you well


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@CuteCornDog yeah, I'm sorry :/ 

Sometimes my mood swings can be a little too intense to handle...

@Quanty My husband was saying some stuff like that :) He pointed out to me how his coworker that is trying to sell their car is going through a very similar situation as us, but they are in a more "worse case scenario". (I am sorry to hear about your brother, I hope your family is okay)

"Things are hard but thy could be harder" that's what I'm trying to keep telling myself. No matter what happens, I have to be willing to accept the outcome and just keep living :) Of course, that's easier said than done ¬¬ lol

Edited by zoey101

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@zoey101 Don't worry so much. Things happen in life. Wishing you all the best.

I want to share something else that I noticed. God also gives us blessings all the time. Did you notice? I think the problem is, sometimes we don't know how to receive our blessings. I think if we did, things would fall into place a lot quicker. Leo, in his most recent clip on his blog, said to 'surrender' to God and become one with Him. Well, great, but I feel that what is most missing is, we still have a life to live and lessons to learn and 'surrendering' to God's blessings. Here is an example.

images (5).jpg

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