
How do I start?

13 posts in this topic

Hello all,

So when it comes to discovering one's life purpose or choosing a career path, I feel like I've know what I wanted to do since I was very little, but I have never really known how to get started.

I know it's probably cheesy as hell, but I've always felt that it was my purpose to help the world in some way. I know I can't solve all of the world's problems, like war and stuff like that, but I've always felt compelled and drawn to helping others. The problem is, I'm not really in the best position to help the amount I want to.

Now, career wise, I've always imagined becoming a professional singer (again, I know how cheesy that sounds lol) I don't think lack of talent is an issue. That's not to say that I'm full of myself, I have just been in vocal training since I was very little and I know my abilities. My issue is I have never know how to get started. I know there's YouTube, but is there more to do? I am a great singer, but not at all a great writer lol so I don't write my own stuff too much. I think I've only finished one song I wrote. 

I also have no clue how to produce my music and then market it in an effective way. Is social media the only way? I don't have any social media right now due to my core beliefs that it's all evil, but I feel like my purpose is more important than that. I am willing to do anything short of "fuck my way to the top" I just don't know where to start.

I've delayed all of this because I had my daughter and allowed myself to believe it wasn't possible to go for it. I thought to myself 'well you're pregnant now, that means you had you chance now you need to stay focused on her'

However, being on here and learning so much about myself and learning to love myself the way God intended has shown me that if I believe I can achieve anything I want if I just put forth the work and effort.

I truly feel like I can and should use my talent to push me in a position to be able to help others in a real and big way.

So I'm ready to start working. But where do I start?


Sorry for the long post. I'm feeling pretty fired up right now ???

Edited by zoey101

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Best thing I recommend may be to take the top performer course by scott h young. Its a course on how to find the things that matters in your career which in return can give you the rewards you want. However its not always on so alternative may be to start getting really really good on your own some things that may help is, deep work, deliberate pratice, ultra learning. Hope you can use it good luck :)

The reason why I recommend getting really really good is because unfortunately just because we care ourselves doesn't mean others do so it doesn't mean we can make a living from what we like to do but if we get good at our craft it's more likely to be valuable to others in some way which can now make them care so to speak. 

To produce music i recommend learning how to read sheet music and understand music theory and finding a good daw and notation software. Daw is a digital audio workstation where you can produce and record music in the best one and cheapest I have found is one called reaper and for notation i recommend musescore.

There is something called vst and sample libraris that you can use to pruduce music I recomend looking at vienna symphonic library if you need other instruments for your work.










Edited by BjarkeT

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@BjarkeT wow thank you :)

I know how to read sheet music and I know a good amount of music theory lol although I do need to master those some more. It's been a while since I had to use it (7 years ?) but I will definitely look into all of those links and courses :)

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@zoey101 Hi you beautiful soul. There were so mush presence in you family pick you shared a few days ago. I don't doubt you are a great singer. 

I think one important factor is that one has to admit that only the sing/songwriting and performance has full purity to it. If you want to share what you heart has to offer with the world you have to swallow the bitter pill that the practical stuff that goes with it to shape a carrier out of it, is political(evil). 

You have to be somewhat ego to share the non-ego(which are your songs). Because getting the right people to work with, marketing, persuade influent people(music directors, radio hosts etcetera) is all political stuff, it has manipulation aspects to it. But don't view it as evil, that's just how the game is rigged. How the game work. 

If you don't show ego in regards to these practical matter, no one really knows your ambition and your goals/desires. 

So many talents fail to share there beautiful stuff, their art, that reveal our true underlying loving being that we all share! 

One has to master both fields so to speak, the non dual aspects(the heart, the singing, the lyric writings) and the dual part, the political practical part that goes into it if you want to make the leap from an innocent hobby into a carrier. 

You see what I mean zoey?

The talents you got, that I'm sure of!

You go girl! :)  

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@MarkusSweden Yes, I understand :) I know when it comes to the music industry, depending on how "big" you want to get, there may be a level of selling out you might have to do to get to where you want to be (like singing absolute crap just to make yourself known) 

I'm not looking to be Madonna famous or anything lol I just want to be out there enough to be heard and in a position to really make a change :) 

Like I said in a reply to another post, I think it is really disgusting to have so many people with the money and power to fix every inch of this world but they feel the need to donate the bare minimum (even if it's $1,000,000) I don't feel it's right. They don't need there vacation homes or 5 cars. It's just sad to me. 

I watched a Bob Hope special and he talked about how important it was to give back. But I feel even he didn't go far enough. You can get fancy stuff if you have the money, of course. You worked for it. But I think ONE Rolex is enough lol and whatever is left over, belongs to your community. They wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for us. And the World needs their help.

Sorry, I started to ramble a little bit there. lol

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@zoey101 Keep it simple. Sing to sing, for the love and expression. You can write songs too. Stop saying you are someone who can’t or you’ll believe it. Don’t write a song, just take a piece of paper and write one sentence. Write what you want to tell the world. Consider Justin Bieber. Very simple songs. He’s just having fun. He posted some videos of himself singing on YouTube, someone saw them and contacted him (Usher...I think). Justin didn’t need to know anything about production or marketing. There are companies already existing, full of people who’s passion is marketing, recording, production, etc. His breakthrough lyrics were literally “baby...baby...baby”. Doesn’t get much simpler. 

 You love singing. So, just sing loving singing. A singer who sings in love Alone, not even a thought about what anyone thinks, that’s the singer I want to listen to.  Also, keep that ill perspective on success, and you’ll stay comfortable in non-success. Bit of a tug of war going on from...thinking. 



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@Nahm thank you :) that's really beautiful and I want to express all of what you said through my music :) I will remember that and do my best to hold onto it :)

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@zoey101 ❤️

Everyone in the world holds on. 

You let go, really let go. That is what everyone wants to do, but they’re scared. So let go. 

Consider Jim Carrey. He decided he was not going to take anything in life seriously. 



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@Nahm lol my husband was giving me the same speach yesterday. That I need to just have fun with it. :)

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Yeah :)

I found this OLD video of back when I was 18 lol

Tell me what y'all think :P

My voice is a little more developed and I have more control to do some fun vocalizations now :) 

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What course? lol I really haven't been able to watch his videos because they are just way to long 

My daughter doesn't let me sit still and quietly for that long lol

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