Chrissy j

30 ways society fucks you in the ass discussion

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What do y’all think about this video? I really liked it at first but nowadays it confuses me. Will life really be better if you let all these things go? What about things like family and relationships? I just feel bad when I act “chimpy” and moralize it a lot tbh. I feel like it can be a little bit too judgemental of an approach. What about things like art, movies, comics? Aren’t these beautiful creations? Cause this makes them sound like complete bullshit. And entertainment too. Most music and movies and shows and art are entertainment and fun in a way. So isn’t like anything that is entertaining chimpy? That would mean you’d want to leave it behind. And fun. Why would you leave behind fun cause you want some of that as long as it isn’t a distraction from what you gotta do in life. People talk about how enlightenment makes you like a kid and isn’t being like a kid having fun in life nonseriously? Any insight? I’m thinking pretty black and white about this and I feel like that isn’t the right approach. 

Edited by Chrissy j

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Man is born in the society, he lives in the society. He is a social animal. You are born of two person's love affair. Society was there even in your birth. Your mother was following a certain rule, your father was following a certain rule; husbands and wives and this and that. Because they followed certain rules, they brought you up, otherwise they would have thrown you into the river. Why bother? Who are you? Why should you disturb their life and become a burden on them? They followed a rule that children have to be looked after. So the game has to be understood and if you want to play the game, you have to follow the rules.

There are many evils which are needed; they are necessary. In real life the choice is always between a bigger evil and a lesser evil, a bigger wrong and a lesser wrong. 

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15 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Man is born in the society, he lives in the society. He is a social animal. You are born of two person's love affair. Society was there even in your birth. Your mother was following a certain rule, your father was following a certain rule; husbands and wives and this and that. Because they followed certain rules, they brought you up, otherwise they would have thrown you into the river. Why bother? Who are you? Why should you disturb their life and become a burden on them? They followed a rule that children have to be looked after. So the game has to be understood and if you want to play the game, you have to follow the rules.

There are many evils which are needed; they are necessary. In real life the choice is always between a bigger evil and a lesser evil, a bigger wrong and a lesser wrong. 

But you don't HAVE TO play the game, right? 

You can be a dissident to the whole game, without judging it or feel guilty about walking a more solitude path?

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@PrabhakerI feel like half the problem is looking at these as evils. It takes away the beauty of these things. And takes away your ability to experience these things fully. 

Edited by Chrissy j

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11 minutes ago, Chrissy j said:

I feel like half the problem is looking at these as evils. It takes away the beauty of these things. And takes away your ability to experience these things fully. 

You can experience them fully, but then you are naive, that's the prize to pay. 

Because to experience the beauty fully you have to totally forget about these evils, you have to be unaware of them. 

And being that naive will make you a stranger. And people are strange when you are stranger(To quote "The Doors").

That push you into a direction of solitude, but in a way, you gain the whole world and all of the peace, love, beauty and happiness that underlies everything.

Personally, I think it's a small prize to pay. 

Great that you bring up this topic again btw. Many are not aware of the "syntax error" of human life. Which is that you can't bring the your full inner joy and potential to the outer world, to live in society means you have to pay another prize, the prize of living only "half" a life. 

To live life fully, solitude is required!  

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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2 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

You can be a dissident to the whole game, without judging it or feel guilty about walk a more solitude path?

If you chose to life of solitude, assuming that your basic needs are fulfilled; do you think you will remain happy forever ?

Unless you are grown spiritually , transformed after a long and arduous journey; you can't be blissful even in solitude. If your consciousness is raised, then you can live in society, untouched by everything.

You can be alone in a crowd if you want. You can be in a crowd even while you are alone.

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You do not need to let them go, he says that you need to get detached from them. When you get detached you will enjoy them 10 times more.

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 All that things you can do but you should leave if they are low concious but you can make it high concious if you can...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Personally, I quit most of this stuff chimpery stuff after watching this video 2 years ago, because I realized how this things ruin my life, my authenthic self. For example for me being in relationship, love, romance etc is total waste of my precious time because im natural lone, solitude guy :) 


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@Chrissy j This video was sooo good.

At first i was reactive and defensive, as i was scared to see the amount of chimpery i engage in. I think this video is an attempt to get you to realize the human condition and just how deeply we are embedded into society. I mean, almost 95% of people are contributing to the chimpery. Money, sex, status and power run most people's lives, doesnt it? Look at how unfufilled it makes them? (us).

When you let go of the tit of entertainment you can take a step back and see how caught up we are, its remarkable how much time we spend in complete distraction.

Watch this video again in 3 months, and see where you're at in retrospect, see how much chimpery you have done since then. It will blow your mind.

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@Chrissy j

There's many good points in that video, but I've never believed that it justifies swearing off many of the benefits of living in modern society.

The result is I'm a bit of an enigma to my friends. I like going to nightclubs and parties, but I don't drink or do drugs. I like going to nice restaurants, but I'm looking for the plain, organic vegan option. I like chasing money, but I largely take that money and use it to fund my life purpose.

You have to be very careful not to fall into black and white thinking. If you want to be a hermit living in the woods, great. But it's not what I want, and I believe you can have a truly fulfilling and self-actualized life still living in modern society.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Disconnect from society and social expectations, Problem solved.

You can still participate without the attachment. Always stay one step ahead.

Prevention is key


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Non duality typical Question: Is there really a me who has free will to make decision on certain things?

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@Chrissy j I would say that it has a lot to do with the terrible social conditioning that comes along as a result of living in and interacting with society. It’s somewhat similiar to Leo’s video on “The Deep Problem of Marketing” where Leo talks about how modern marketing is not just selling you stuff but it’s also shaping your reality. Marketers are there to manipulate you into buying their shit products. They don’t care about you, they care about money. And the fact that they’re manipulating you affects you in a certain way, and the shit products affect you in a certain way as well. How? Let’s take a look at some possibilities.

- Since we live in a world with tons of manipulative advertisements around us such as clickbait youtube titles and thumbnails, colorful vibrant posters in the streets, half-naked chicks in the magazine to spike your emotions advertising a bottle of perfume, etc. This conditions people to view manipulation as a social norm. Even if you’re not a marketer, it may lead you to subconsciously manipulate people in your daily life.

- They’re manipulating you into buying their shit products which are products that aren’t usually good for your health. Leo mentions food, they’ll manipulate you into buying that creamy rich milk chocolate bar through an advertisement. Which isn’t good for your health. Pharmaceuticals, video games, clothing, TV shows, movies, you name it. And I don’t think Leo mentions this but they’re all taking your money.

- Socializing with friends and needing validation and playing the status game all leads you to care what other people think of you. If your friends are constantly seeking validation, subconsciously you will end up being like them and needing more validation too. One time I had lunch of my co-workers who is also an old friend, he showed me his Instagram and was like “Dude I’m now at 100+ likes per post.” Who gives a fuck. And knowing him for 5 years, he tends to care a lot what other people think of him which brings you no peace. If you live in that state of mind then you constantly would always need validation from other people and you won’t be able to be happy on your own. Imagine being stranded on an island, who’s there to give you validation? Need the monkeys to give you validation?

- Holidays, socializing with family about nothing and subconsciously being conditioned to take holidays as the norm and you’ll celebrate it next year and pass it on to your children so that can celebrate it every year and waste money too. It’s all just another way for businesses to make money. 

- Sports, let’s bet and cheer for the best team of half-naked men running around. You’re also socializing with other lower-consciousness people who love sports and you’re becoming more like them. Surprisingly sports is a multi-billion or trillion dollar industry.

Anyways, I could go on and on about this.

You’re free to do whatever you want but fun and entertainment is a distraction if you want to develop your consciousness or create more being for yourself. Instead of playing Fortnite or any popular video game out there, you could be sitting in solitude in nature developing your state of being.

In the end I would say it all comes down to actually experiencing and living in this perspective for yourself in order to fully understand these ideas and this video. The video isn’t there to tell you what to do, but I see it more as an explanation of the perspective of the higher-self. All of it isn’t just an idea, but it’s an actual way of living. Once you’re starting to grow, you CAN still experience fun, but won’t care about it. You will prioritize your inner peace over almost everything else.

Edited by 7thLetter

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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