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Is there any way to prove that consciousness is the only "thing" there is?

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Some people call the only substance there is to reality for consciousness, others call it nothingness. 

What ever you call it - void, oneness, God's only being, consciousness, nothingness, pure light, infinite eternal awareness etcetera - after all, that's just a bunch of words, concepts that is. 

However, let's agree on the fact that there is only ONE substance(whatever that should be named) that makes up for everything that is known to us as realty(aka the inner(awareness) and outer world). 

But! Is there any way to prove that there is only this ONE substance to reality? Any proof at all? 

This one substance can transform itself to matter, minerals, plants, animals, humans, minds, worlds, stars, galaxies - you name it. 

But how can we be sure there aren't more the ONE fundamental substance that makes everything come in to existence?  Why not two, three or even more substances that coexist and aren't "born" out of any of the other substances?

Here's one great clip regarding "What is the Substance of Experience?"


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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7 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

Is there any way to prove that there is only this ONE substance to reality?

Matter can be converted into energy, Now scientists have claimed that energy can be converted into matter.

Existence is energy. Consciousness is the highest form of energy.

24 minutes ago, MarkusSweden said:

Any proof at all?

'Everything is one substance' is a subjective truth, you want objective proof of it. It is like asking for proof of God.

A Buddha knows the truth, you can't know it unless you become a Buddha. Either you trust him or ignore him.

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No, because even that’s a thought story.  Existential Truth laughs at thought stories.  But the conceptual Understanding laughs at existential truth too.  They’re co-workers.  They respect each other’s boundaries.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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