By Solace
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Here is my gift to you all on the forum. It sums up everything I would want to teach anyone to be free from addiction, emotions and thoughts; and to become empowered human beings. After this I will be on here a lot less, so take some notes if you feel like it I wanted to share this as well becuase it has helped lots of people on PM, so I honour that here:
We are in a new spiritual era right now where the teachings to overcome the ego, to push away our thoughts and feelings to make room for a transcendent experience are being transformed into the practice of self-love, and a deeper appreciation for everything that arises in our reality in each moment. It is like we have moved from first grade in school to second grade as a collective.
To me love is the ability to see the beauty in everything that happens in our lives such as the activity of thoughts, the words people say to us, and the feelings that come up at the most inconvenient times. It begins with knowing that whatever experience is brought to you, it is only here to help you evolve into your highest self, by taking away the emotional karma we carried as children. When our parents didn't give our child selves the love, and acceptance that we deserved when we were angry, this anger as such stayed in our body. All of our negative emotions that weren't loved as much as joy or happiness has created our shadow self which is a bunch of unloved emotions waiting for even just our acknowledgement so that they can leave our body, and be integrated into the light that we already are as consciousness. This means that every experience you in every millisecond is designed to trigger you emotionally which gives you a chance to love the neglected parts of yourself that nobody else could love. This is the essence of the new spiritual path, the opening of the heart chakra through feeling our emotions until there is no emotion left in our body which is unloved, unappreciated or unadmired as equally as you would embrace joy or ecstacy!
Loving my emotions and my heart has been the most powerful practice I've ever done. I had sun gazed and done a headstand for 6 hours a day a few months ago which are supposedly "the ultimate spiritual practices" and had nothing to show for it. I've meditated, I've done reiki, and used the most high vibration crystals in the world; and through all of that nothing has come close to how much self-love has transformed me which is why I talk about it a lot on this forum to save people years of searching for the best technique when self-love is and always will be the most essential. In my experience, you start to feel so fulfilled and expansive; it's hard to describe.
I've watched all of Matt Kahn's videos and I've read his book too which I recommend for a more elegant and perfect explanation of love. But his main message is to love whatever arises. What I do everyday is when I feel an emotion arise of discomfort I will say to it, "I love you" or "Thank you so much for showing the part of me that needs more of my attention. I love you". I do this while treating the emotion with the same care as I would a 5 year old child in pain who just wants to be hugged until the tears stop. To feel the emotion on a deeper level too I will breathe into it slowly while saying softly, "I love you" with my hand on the area where the emotion is. And I don't stop. When there is no emotions I focus my attention on my heart and keep repeating, "i love you" to it in a endless lullaby. Your heart is very special because it is the place where all of your pain is, so I treat it like a child as well, knowing that even by placing my attention on it is healing all of the emotions in me. It's a beautiful process because every time you feel your heart or an emotion you are healing just a little bit more, stepping a little bit closer to being pure love. It;s that simple. Know to that what you love in yourself, you are also loving in every single humans heart because we are all one and we are all connected in this way. You have the power to stop a father from abusing his daughter, or a child from going hungry by clearing the emotion of say frustration leading to a greater generosity in the hearts of tourists to give to the hungry child or for the father to not hurt so much that he feels like he needs to hurt another to get away from his own hurt.
From there, just expand to loving whatever arises in your perception, not just emotions. Love your thoughts, love your circumstances, just anything that catches your attention send it blessings of love. Realize that people are only acting out how another person had judged or neglected them in the past when they hurt you, so they too are just 5 year old children in pain. And if in the face of someone saying, "You are worthless. Why are you even here?" you said, "Thank you for giving me that feedback. I'm sorry that you are upset by the change I represent. May you be blessed with the worthiness that you deserve right now", that is love in action. I've done this, and the look on peoples faces when I say this is so funny because egos don;t know how to respond to compliments other than with sarcasm or skepticism. In this way I always see everything that arises as a gift for me to give more love to by just saying nice things to it, and you can get creative as you want. Just using the words I love/appreciate/admire/embrace/see or I'm grateful/thankful anchors that vibration in your reality. These words also pass through your heart, which opens it even more, just as much as focusing on your heart. Why? Because your heart is the source of love.
This is all you need to become enlightened. All of the spiritual insights and awakens are a natural product of this self-love. This is because when we love ourselves the nervous system in us relaxes, allowing a enlightening experiences to stick permanently, rather than be temporary such as with psychedelics. At first you won't feel the love, and it will feel inauthentic probably. This is because your subconscious mind is used to you responding to whatever arises negatively, and this love is foreign to it. After a few weeks of slowly integrating this until you can love your emotions more times than not, you will start to feel the same love you get when your kissing a partner, except it's constant. No longer is it necessary to dissect ourselves by ignoring our thoughts and feelings. All that is required is trust that loving whatever arises through the phrase "I love you" will answer all of the questions you have right now about the practice. It is a jump, but the best you can ever make. Just placing your attention on an emotion is loving it, do that now. If a thought arises that, "this is weird", then love that thought. Then love the one who thinks that loving thoughts is weird if you think that. It is foolproof like that
I hope this helps you understand love a bit more. This is all you need, love the one who wants to overlook this and find more information on other spiritual topics to clarify if love is really all I've said it to be. It's our response to life that determines everything, and responding with love is the highest response you can have. I love you.
See also how to put love into action through jumping onto your highest Excitment (this is the second part of this guide):