
the origin of distracting thoughts

18 posts in this topic

we're all connected, hearts open

follow your joy, your excitement, keep your eyes on the light

keep looking at what you want, at what you want to feel

all is fine, we're all blessed in abundance, no matter who, no matter where, we can all be happy and fulfilled

everyone, it is in our own power,inside, its what we deserve, to be alive,to be light, to be free

joy, excitement, evolution, abundance is ours

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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4 minutes ago, Arkandeus said:

it is my belief that we are here on earth to evolve collectively

Consciousness is not only individual, it is also collective. It is in you, but it is also outside of you. In a way, consciousness is in you and you are in a greater consciousness, just like a fish in the sea. The fish is in the sea and the sea is also in the fish.

Whenever someone attains Buddhahood, becomes Enlightened through his efforts, through his conscious evolution, a wave in the ocean rises. We rise with Buddhas, we fall with Hitlers. With a Buddha you will go high, with a Hitler you will come down. With a rising wave you go up, then with a falling wave you go down. But you can use the opportunity. When you are rising high, then with a very small effort on the part of your will, you can attain more.

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We are one. But only in the basics. Not in thought and emotion. 

We cannot awaken together, because it will mean 80% of humanity will simply die. 

Some human beings are so stuck in the ego that any attempt to loosen up will create unbearable suffering for the unawakened. 

I see that in this forums you people have a hope of a better humanity, it simply not gonna happen. 

Humanity is long gone, try as you might, you will lose yourself trying to help others.

Start with yourself and forget others, or the rat race will never stop. 

In conclusion, there is only I, the collective is a human invention. And the idea of social creatures is another invention of the right-hand path (the good guys). 

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the origin of distracting thoughts manifest from the stream and movement of thought. 

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you can only help others by helping yourself. Try doing the other way and you are creating more stress and worsening the situation. @Arkandeus

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1 hour ago, moon777light said:

you can only help others by helping yourself. Try doing the other way and you are creating more stress and worsening the situation. @Arkandeus


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someone mentioned this quote earlier on here

“When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family. Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world”

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When you feel anger, that is the entire world feeling anger. So if you give loving attention to anger you are healing anger in this world :) 

Many thoughts and emotions are from the collective and come into our energy field in resonance. We came here to help this planet ascend whether we deny it, know it, or are unaware of it. We can’t stop these thoughts with thoughts, only by endlessly loving them and emotions, or focusing deeply in concentration.

@Arkandeus Thank you.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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11 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

With a Buddha you will go high, with a Hitler you will come down.

Not necessarily, positive energy such as love is much more powerful than negative energy such as fear. That’s why planes don’t crash on take off even though everyone is fearful that it might not fly :) 


3 hours ago, Quanty said:

We are one. But only in the basics. Not in thought and emotion

Even in our thoughts and emotions. Most come from the collective field. Have you noticed how in a very isolated area you have less thoughts? And you have different thoughts in cities too, you may be more inclined to eat unhealthily in a area where there is lots of obese people. We are literally all connected. And one person, Jesus almost had the power to turn this world into love, so imagine the thousands of Jesus’, and Buddha’s alive today. Of course once we receive the thought it has come into our energy field, thus it is individualized and this is also a representative of our deepest subconscious beliefs and our current emotions. 

@moon777light Yeah, you’re right. Waking up ourselves and being an example of love instead of talking about it is the best contribution we can make. But it’s helpful to know this greater perspective, that your heart represents the earth, your body the stars and planets. And one loving gaze at a time you are healing the whole universe holographically inside you :) Hope you are doing well!

@Faceless Yes. And I would like to add, we can’t control this stream, only the way we see it. Love your posts man as always, they are unique.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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8 hours ago, Solace said:

Yes. And I would like to add, we can’t control this stream, only the way we see it

We the “i’s”, are this stream. In understanding this stream, “ourselves”, we are free from its mechanical stranglehold. Then in that freedom the stream of consciousness can run in an orderly manner which manifests itself as virtue. 

It’s only in virtue that we can live in order. Without virtue there is no love. 


LOVE is only found when there is FREEDOM. 


8 hours ago, Solace said:

Love your posts man as always, they are unique.

?? but they do not come from me. 

They come from us


Edited by Faceless

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4 minutes ago, Faceless said:

In understanding this stream, “ourselves”, we are free from its mechanical stranglehold.

how can we understand the stream, the stream and movement and thought?


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Pick me! To watch it (with heart-felt attention helps imo).

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Solace :)

i do that for 20 min a day (mindfulness) but i am still riddled with thoughts/fantasies/daydreams, you name it. But it certainly helped a little, i used to be worse

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3 minutes ago, moon777light said:

@Solace :)

i do that for 20 min a day (mindfulness) but i am still riddled with thoughts/fantasies/daydreams, you name it. But it certainly helped a little, i used to be worse

Are you giving it your all?

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You can do it all day, it’s really fun! Daydreams aren’t here to be looked down upon, they are telling you that you have a strong emotion in your heart that needs your attention. The stronger the thought, the stronger economic emotion, and the stronger the belief which creates both of them. If you watch your thoughts and emotions throughout your day you will naturally uncover these core beliefs that drive them!

But in that case I’d recommend that you try concentrating on your heart in meditation. You will have hardly any thoughts until you engage in a addictive tendency for the rest of the day :) This returns you to the source of infinite nothingness which you can reach consistently with practice. It will increase your awareness thus making it effortless to observe thoughts and emotions throughout the day.

I hope this helps you.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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On 5/27/2018 at 7:46 PM, moon777light said:

you can only help others by helping yourself. Try doing the other way and you are creating more stress and worsening the situation. @Arkandeus


the rewards for opening one's heart are absolutely magical and magnifcent,pure magic, pure bliss



On 5/27/2018 at 7:18 PM, Quanty said:

We are one. But only in the basics. Not in thought and emotion. 

We cannot awaken together, because it will mean 80% of humanity will simply die. 

Some human beings are so stuck in the ego that any attempt to loosen up will create unbearable suffering for the unawakened. 

I see that in this forums you people have a hope of a better humanity, it simply not gonna happen. 

Humanity is long gone, try as you might, you will lose yourself trying to help others.

Start with yourself and forget others, or the rat race will never stop. 

In conclusion, there is only I, the collective is a human invention. And the idea of social creatures is another invention of the right-hand path (the good guys). 

I understand your beliefs, whichever road you take is the right one, love and support for you my friend


I will share this experience I had today, love filled the space, making the sky a hundred times higher

I saw human faces as big as a house, space expands and fills in, my body huge,everyone's body huge in this sea of space, my fellow ''humans' are giants

the bliss and the magic of looking at someone's gigantic face, incredible, the sounds so vivid

cars, cars look like advanced alien spacecraft with living light, so cool

I havent taken psychedelics in months, love alters the physical space, realms beyond our imagination can be reached while we are all in harmony

love isnt only simple lovey dovey stuff, it can be fucking amazing,like a rockstar, completely badass shit from higher dimensions

love yourself and love others,in any way you imagine love to be, that is my recommendation

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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 Beautiful and inspiring. I’ve had similar experiences. I want to love even more now, to the deepest level possible. It’s just a win-win :) 

Lots of love to you.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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light and love my friend :)

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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