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Non-Profit Jobs

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I'm interested in working as an admin at a non-profit.  My top three causes are 1. feminism 2. HIV/AIDS 3. the homeless.  I have years of volunteer experience in the non-profit sector and tons of admin work experience.   I believe non-profit work is "me" as I'm a free spirit and free spirits tend to work at non-profits (free spirits are usually "earthy.")

In 2012, I worked with a job coach for about two years to break into this field.  All she did was show up, randomly apply to jobs on online (which I could have easily done on my own), and leave.  It was a profound waste of my time.  If I hadn't figure something else out, I would still be unemployed, up to today.

Anyway, any tips on how to get a job in this field?

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Non-profit doesn't necessarily mean it's a place where there is justice or real impact. You can have an impact helping even in a lucratif business, maybe you can start your own non-profit organization, or don't stick to one field, you can try but think also about looking for something different that you can also enjoy 

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Thanks!  How about Case Manager?  That way I'm helping people with things like food stamps and welfare.

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