
A Huge Doubt For Me

9 posts in this topic

After a lot of introspection and test taking , I found that I am moving towards the 'GREEN' stage ( Clare graves psychological stage ).

The problem is that GREENS are NOT much concerned about THEIR DEVELOPMENT and GOALS.

But .... I want to take @Leo Gura's  life purpose course. 

So how do I resolve this ?

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Just do the course. It will help you, and don't be scared that you will become a careless hippie. Green people still do stuff. Also, after green there is another stage. 


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Leo `s course is especially made for you..!:D

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No.. but i'm asking if it would be effective to do it now or once I reach YELLOW.


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@Abhijeeth The course is amazing. And what's nice is that you can take your time. Right now I paused the course for a little while, because I feel like I still have some thinking to do before proceeding to the next exercise. So I'm glad I bought it, because my search for my authentic self is already far more focused and clear than it could have ever been without the course. And the thinking I'm going through is some of the most insightful and deep in all my life before. 

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Green has already done the work.

Their focus has shifted from "I" to "We" and now use their personal transformation resources for social transformation from the bureaucratic model of protecting the institution at the expense of the individual needs of the human being, to reorganising the institution to protect the individual needs of the human being.

If you are still focused on personal transformation then you are not at the green stage.

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Leo also mentioned that different aspects of your life will be at different stages related to each other, so you could be more advanced in some things while underdeveloped in others, which is ok. There are also overlaps of stages, so the whole system gets quite complicated. Take the course, if you're ready for it - it could be a solution to a transformation dilemma for that particular aspect.

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On 3/10/2016 at 9:05 AM, Abhijeeth said:

The problem is that GREENS are NOT much concerned about THEIR DEVELOPMENT and GOALS.

This is flat out false!

Green is very much concerned about their development. Green, unlike Orange, has finally realized the difference between fake growth and real growth, and are now focused on real inner growth, which is why people see them as anti-materialistic hippies. All hippies do is talk about inner growth!

Try this experiment: go to your nearest Wholefoods and look at the magazines and books by the checkout counter. What do you see?

It's all yoga and meditation and healing and chakras and raising your energy and detoxing your mind/body.

AKA: inner growth!

Your problem is that your mind doesn't recognize this because it's thinking ,"Development & Goals = MY materialistic success". And of course that's to be expected because you're at stage Orange, but that's a very limited understanding of development and goals.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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