A way to Actualize

Enlightened People Doing 'anti-spiritual' Things

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All enlightened beings are passive? Not all. I quoted this from the site: http://www.bentinhomassaro.com/about/ Bentinho is a enlightened teacher. 

Quote from bio Bentinho:

'Today, at 27, he is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher and empowerment speaker. On a personal level, he embodies the fully passionate lifestyle that he teaches--including “free-solo” rock-climbing (no ropes) and free-diving to great depths on a single breath. Currently he is exploring new roles as entrepreneur, CEO, inventor, and investor, adding to previous skills as Reiki master, telekinetic, yogi, and polyphasic sleeper. He also occasionally enjoys a fine whiskey with a Cuban cigar! '

If anyone has more of these examples, react here below!

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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Nisargadatta Maharaj was selling cigarettes and smoked. David Hawkins smoked. Alan Watts was maybe even an alcoholic. Osho was taking drugs and had his rolls royces. And many many teachers abuse their power and have/had sex with students. I don't see anything wrong with Bentinho.

Edited by Toby

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You can even look at all the teachers that were leaving their bodies very early or developed severe diseases. Maybe that also doesn't fit how a "spiritual" person should be from peoples perspectives. There are at least 10 I can think of that didn't live 60 years or even comitted suicide. If you want to know the names, let me know.

Edit: Yogananda, Chogyam Trungpa, Nathan Gill, Rama Tirtha, Thomas Merton, Radha Ma (suicide), Vivekananda, 16th Karmapa, Osho, Therese of Lisieux.

Edited by Toby

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To my opinion that guy is not enlightened, but a real smarty.

To listen to, for example, Mooji is quite a difference. He makes you joyful and warmhearted. 

This guy makes me tired and bored.

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I guess what you might call sexual misconduct is the most common "anti-spiritual" thing enlightened masters engage in. When your followers see you as a source of authority, it's probably very tempting to take advantage of that.

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There is a major difference between this kind of mental enlightenment that Bentinho seems to talk about and actual experience. He is more comparable to a life guru in my opinion...



Edit' I take back what I said..

Edited by TwoDays

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I'm no guru, and have yet to experience truth consciously, but for some reason I have my serious doubts about enlightened masters who take advantage of their followers sexually. I don't claim that they should abstain from sex all together...but crossing that line of temptation and taking advantage of someone who looks to you as a guide just doesn't seem very enlightened to me. Call me crazy. 

I could honestly understand and sympathize any other flaw in an enlightened master from drug use to materialism. But sexual temptation...idk man

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1 hour ago, TwoDays said:

There is a major difference between this kind of mental enlightenment that Bentinho seems to talk about and actual experience. He is more comparable to a life guru in my opinion...

No. He is actually very awake imo. His approach might be unusual that he fuses Advaita with kinda like Self-help and Channelings like Abraham, Bashar, Ra doesn't mean he is not awake. Also you have to consider his personality. He is most likely highly extroverted, maybe Enneatype 7 or 3, so his life looks different than Tolle or Shinzen Young.

Imo he is very enlightened, but he may have some or a lot of unconscious stuff going on. As every teacher has.

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@Toby Imo he is very enlightened, but he may have some or a lot of unconscious stuff going on. As every teacher has.

That would make him not enlightened...

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the first seconds.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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1 hour ago, A way to Actualize said:



the first seconds.

Coming off as somewhat commercial...plus showing off his girlfriend, seriously?

Edited by Natasha

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I did watch his stuff, btw. He has a good story, but to consider him a spiritual teacher - imo, no.

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@A way to Actualize Being Enlightened does not guarantee that you'll be an "angel". Enlightened people can do terrible things as well as ordinary people, but of course this is much more rare.

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There is a big difference between having a few enlightenment experiences and becoming a Buddha. The Buddha thing takes 40 years and it's only a path for the most exceptional people.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I invite you to check out his trinfinity academy. There's a 14 day trial that is free. He takes you through the whole journey from two different angles. 

Also if you get deeper into his material it's apperent that he's not about New-Age Hippie stuff.

His understanding goes far beyond many spiritual teachers.


If you do the free trial you can watch the recording of his recent retreat in Hawaii. I'm not a fanboy of him but this stuff is among the best self-realisation material out there. (If you allow yourself to be openminded)

But please see for yourself.



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On 11.3.2016 at 5:07 PM, A way to Actualize said:

Bentinho is a enlightened teacher. 

Some people I just don't trust. Don't know why this is the case but he is one of them. A back-stabber....

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Yeh I actually ended up watching a few of his videos in the end. The advice and guidance which he gives does have a deep wisdom to it, but it's somewhat hidden beneath his commercial image and extroverted nature :)

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So let's start a comment war here. :D

Bentinho's Trinfinity Academy is completely free now, and it claims that it can take you to the infinity realization (beyond the awareness realization) in 11 months.

Now I don't know if it's a scam or not, but 11 months to enlightenment?! I will take my chances. :)

By the way, Bentinho has a really impressive goal: he wants to create an enlightened civilization by 2035. If there is any chance that it's possible then I want to be part of it. :)


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1 hour ago, Barna said:

By the way, Bentinho has a really impressive goal: he wants to create an enlightened civilization by 2035. If there is any chance that it's possible then I want to be part of it. :)

@Barna Enlightenment is the next stage in natural human evolution. Enlightenment as we refer to it is the realization of something that most are just blind to as of now. The big picture of unification that is missing from our everyday mindset as a civilization. Maybe someday we will look back on these days and see it as the coming out of the dark ages of understanding and into realization that everything is one unified field.  That change in thinking will in itself change the way our brains are wired and  profound insights could than flourish and multiply upon themselves.  Physical changes to the brain structure may happen by shrinking certain parts of the brain that are remnants of our caveman ancestors and the activation of higher thought areas  could become awakened. I didn't know about trinfinity before but it sounds great to me. I really hope it catches on in a big way. Thanks for sharing that. 

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