
Polyamory Cults?

9 posts in this topic

I would be grateful for any insight, I intend no prejudice, I am confused and somewhat ignorant:

So, gay people, for example, don't have a "recruitment program", right? ... well, is it just me, or, lately does it seem like polyamorous people are really trying hard to convert monogamous people into this opposing lifestyle through "education", even coercion? 

I think of polyamory in a similar way to a person's sexual orientation ... even though to some it can simply be a philosophy or a practice... and there are many different situations and numbers of partners that qualify....  anyway, many polyamorous people seem to want all monogamous people to join this lifestyle, and insist this is the only natural practice for all humans...

It seems as though there are various forms of this coercion ranging from adding workshops on the subject into fun events, or hosting dinners with this "education" as a subtle underlying conversation current, to creating communities/ cults, etc... Why does this lifestyle suddenly seem so brazen? Perhaps it's been suppressed throughout history and poly-people in the past, had to pretend to be monogamous and possibly cheat?.... regardless, the attempts to convert everyone seem a bit extreme to me... especially when a lifestyle with multiple partners increases STD risks, and it may be targeting vulnerable individuals... thoughts?


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  On 5/26/2018 at 10:01 AM, Epiphany_Inspired said:

 I think of polyamory in a similar way to a person's sexual orientation ... even though to some it can simply be a philosophy or a practice...

This is an excellent and bold point. Thanks. There's probably more than just LGBT. That's why you can't just casually approach anyone. Yeah, why should the other person tell you their core values / boundaries or sexual orientation, when you're just going to put them on the spot and start criticizing and judging? It's a very uncomfortable situation. 

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I think it’s completely rational for poly-people to want to convert the rest of us. They want more people to pick from and so they are trying to make more available. 

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I'd say its possible for their to be people who want to convert people to polyamorous, and also possible for polyamorous people to just be chill and not care about converting. And as far as having expectations or ideas of people who are polyamorous, just have none, they could be your rapist or your savior.


  On 5/26/2018 at 10:01 AM, Epiphany_Inspired said:

So, gay people, for example, don't have a "recruitment program", right?

No, I'm gay/bi and no one ever recruited me lol, it just happened naturally.

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Compromising on something like a sexual orientation or a sexual orientation is a huge compromise. Can a person even live with it? A gay guy with a straight gal is the same as two straight guys going together. In most cases, it doesn't work. You could look it up. It backfires.

The point is, you got to be very much aware of your sexual orientation and consequences.


These two sentences are different:

"Being very monogamous is my sexual orientation."

"Being very monogamous is a paradigm."

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How about open relationships. Is that something you have found yourself being “lectured” about. This is something I encounter more regularly at least in person.

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@Key Elements Hmmm, yes, true, I love the all encompassing respect in your first comment. Your second comment is a good point for those polyamorous folks trying to convert people, it would likely backfire a lot of the time... :P

@Spiral Haha, yes of course, I figured that's why they seem to be trying to convert everyone... It makes sense that poly people would  want more selection...xD... but is it acceptable the way they go about it? (targeting vulnerable people, sneaking their teachings into events, etc)? Is this a new form of cult emerging? and yes, I hear a lot of open relationship "lecturing" too, totally... but I believe that is a type of polyamory... (apparently, polyamory can just be one partner with multiple partners, or both, and it can be any number of partners, etc)

@Jamie Universe Yeah, that's true, thanks. I was concerned that I may come across as stereotyping, but that was not my intention, sorry. I was talking about the polyamorous folks that are attempting to convert monogamous folks only, not the chill ones. I also didn't mean that you may have been converted to gay/bi either, sorry. I only meant that you don't often see gay people at events going around trying to convince all of the hetero people to try being gay, or saying that the straight people must not know themselves very well because being gay "is the only natural way to be", or sneaking workshops on how "you should all be gay" into events, etc... (the way these converting-polyamorous-folks seem to be behaving lately). Thanks for your great comment :) 

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@Epiphany_Inspired Well I’m all for free speech and I expect people to behave in their own best interest. I would prefer if they did not corrupt vulnerable people sure, but I value free speech more. 

Thinking of things in terms of whether or not something is ok, to me as a nihilist is kinda of irrelevant. You can’t do anything about it anyway. 

Edited by Spiral

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@Epiphany_Inspired  The monogamous-cult are the socially accepted one and usually shames everybody that do not subscibe to it´s values.

Also it got the state involved to legislate a bunch of rules to "guide" vulnerable individuals towards the lifestyle through "education", even coercion.

....anyway, many monogamous people seem to want all polyamorous people to join this lifestyle, and insist this is the only natural practice for all humans...


I´ve found that most men wants the mono-way and most girls do the poly-way.


It is a kind of "are we binobos or chimps" discussion?


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