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So, I've been having this "sensation" or "feeling" of highness, it's like Im lighter, higher, calmer, I dont know how to explain but its really strong when I feel it, for the past 18 months, sometimes it happens several times in the day and sometimes none. 

This week I went to a psychic and he told me I have mediumship, that this sensation I feel its like a battery being charged within me, and that I can use it in my life or to help others, my aunt back in Brazil is a shaman and she also has mediumship, she used to received messages from the dead, In brazil we have something called Spiritism, it's like a religion and below is the definition.

In What Is Spiritism?, Kardec calls spiritism a science dedicated to the relationship between incorporeal beings (spirits) and human beings. Thus, some spiritists see themselves as not adhering to a religion, but to a philosophical doctrine with a scientific fulcrum and moral grounds.

Also the definition of Mediumship

Mediumship is the practice of certain people—known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living human beings. There are different types of mediumship, including spirit channeling and ouija.

He said when I feel the sensation is when the spirit guides are around me, and I've noticed that whenever someone around me is overloaded with emotions, is going through something really difficult I feel high, for example two days ago at work, I started feeling high, and it was really strong, I was just paying attention, 10 seconds after I realized my coworker who seats by my side was on a call receiving the message that her uncle just had died.

I currently work as an architect, I like to draw and be creative so since child my family (that was mostly thinking about money) put in my mind that I would be a good architect, but it happens that architecture doesnt feed my soul, I'm really interested about the human mind and spirituality in general, and in the last two years had studieda lot about it. I asked the psychic about my career and his answer was: "Why do you ask me something you already know?" and I started crying for no reason, so my guess would be that in the future I will be working with this mediumship, and I'm here to ask for help to which path to follow, my options this moment are Spiritism or Wicca, my aunt and sister are Spiritists, but what I dont like about it is that they follow the work of Alan Kardec, which is based in the story of Christ, I try to avoid religions to keep my mind open, I prefer to think about the universe in other way than through the history of Christ, Wicca for me sounds more plausible because I feel like they go straight to the point, when they talk about the universe being a web where we are all connected, when talking about how the 5 elements water fire earth air spirit, It's much easier for me to understand. Also I dont know if this interest for Wicca could be something that my ego has been wanting, like wow look I'm a witch, I know sounds funny but I'm considering all the possibilities here..

I am open to hear what you guys think.

Thank you, thank you, thank you:x

Edited by MsNobody

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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Be a witch! :)

But stay grounded in the beginning. Make sure that you don't run out of money. You can stay at your current job if you want, or earn money with something that you would love more to do. 

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@MsNobody Is this individual practice, or involved with others? I would also have the same preference, but in some (*not all*) circles, Wiccans can be a bit extreme/ dark....classic Pagans might be better.... the study of Wicca on your own would be fine regardless... also ...maybe look into other earth based folks like: Animists, Druids, Bandorai, etc and find the best fit, or make up your own :) 

Sure, if you want to explore your clairvoyance or other less technical forms of drawing that all sounds great too :) Be happy :) 

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I think the most important thing is to find a sangha. If you dive into mediumship without any support from others, you will likely fall into many traps (e.g., paranoia).

From what you reported, it is clear that you are energetically sensitive. So talking with someone with experience (such as this psychic that you mentioned) is very important.


This vid might help you;) 

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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