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I have been doing my best to understand all that I have read on here and other sources. The thing I think I best can identify with is maybe how we should view issues in our life. Me personally, I try my best to keep the best attitude I can because I feel like the way you start your day is a foreshadowing of what's awaiting you.


Wake up in a pissy mood, you probably aren't going to be open to any positive influences and you are not giving the day any kind of chance. 


Wake up and tell yourself "today is a new day, with new possibilities" and stay open to them. If the day gets worse as it progresses, at least you didn't start at the bottom of it.

So I guess my question is:

Do you think Attitude is important in this journey? or is it just another Illusion created by the "ego" to distract again? I am genuinely curious. Sorry if I didn't explain very well.

Thank you in advance!

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In my opinion, the attitude, it's an other illusion, but also looking for progress is an illusion

it depend on what you are looking for, and some illusion are very helpful, for example listening to music and doing workout put you in an illusory state that can help you to not feel the effort

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@zoey101 in my opinion, don't worry so much about certain illusions.  It's such a buzzword around here, but of course having the correct (positive) attitude will help you in your journey. For one thing it increases motivation. Is motivation another illusion? Yet without it, you would probably give up the search. 


Edited by starsofclay



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1 hour ago, zoey101 said:

Do you think Attitude is important in this journey? or is it just another Illusion created by the "ego" to distract again? 

If you create an image “type of attitude” to maintain psychological security all that is doing is constructing something that will in most cases be destroyed by dynamic circumstances.  You are then depending on that image to bring about psychological security. To create the image creates the possibility of that image being destroyed. If there is No image, then there is no chance of that image being destroyed. When we create an image to capture and maintain psychological security we invite the inevitable possibility that ends in psychological insecurity. 


If this attitude is in any way dependent on the evasion of fear you will inevitably create fear in so doing. If you formulate an attitude “reaction” to avoid trouble in that very reaction “attitude” you invite self deception, ego’s best friend. 


Where there is order of mind there is no need to create the image “type of attitude” at all. 


To understand this is the ending of such movement. 

Edited by Faceless

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Thank you guys. Honestly I've been feeling weird about this. I was thinking some of what you all said and that's why I had to ask :)

I think I got myself addicted to the notion. It made me feel good in the moment. But lately, with everything going on, I've started doubting it..

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You have a bad attitude!>:(

You have a good attitude!:D

My attitude is...... Well so what...

"People who are unconscious always create unconsciousness, and in this way they influence others; they can get them into an unconscious condition so that they will behave exactly according to their intention. That is the real essence of witchcraft. "

Visions: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1930–1934, Vol. II (31 January 1934), pp. 1272–73. Carl Jung.




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1 hour ago, zoey101 said:

It made me feel good in the moment.

That's why it's an illusion. It's a temporary state,that will inevitably change/fluctuate to another state,then that state will fluctuate into anotheretc.,etc.,
The journey is about finding and abiding in that which does not change,fluctuate,come and go,appear-disappear,. Effortless Being.
Sat-Chit-Ananda : Existence,Consciousness,Bliss. Not three,but One.

Edited by who chit

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@RichardY i loved that video lmao thank you!

@who chit I feel like I understand what your saying, but the application is still lost on me. I feel like the more I work on this and the more I understand, the crazier life seems to get and it throws me off.

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 but the application is still lost on me

Application as in, how do I do it?

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Yeah. It's weird. I'm able to understand, but when I try to imagine how to apply it, I get confused again. I don't really know how else to explain it. 

I'm sorry if I'm making no sense :(

I know I'm not supposed to over think it. I'm supposed to do the opposite, "no-thought". I know the goal is supposed to be that, but I just can't see it.

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1 hour ago, zoey101 said:

Yeah. It's weird. I'm able to understand, but when I try to imagine how to apply it, I get confused again. I don't really know how else to explain it. 

I'm sorry if I'm making no sense :(

I know I'm not supposed to over think it. I'm supposed to do the opposite, "no-thought". I know the goal is supposed to be that, but I just can't see it.

It’s much easier if you can connect all of thoughts movement, and see how it all works in relationship together as a whole. To see it all in one movement. This takes an understanding of thought. 

If you can’t connect everything together it is difficult to see and apply in daily life. 

Thought is the response to memory “knowledge/past experience” 

So when you respond to the present moment, this is thought in operation. The function of thought is to bring about physical security, so you can function practically in everyday activities. Like learn a job, remember where you live, and so on. Thought has created a a means to recollect from the past and anticipate the future. Thought utilizes the past, present, and future so it/“self” can operate in everyday affairs. This self/center is a tool to handle environment challenges and so on. 

The problem is thought the center/ego/“the i” doesn’t just utilizes time to respond to external challenges. That movement of thought has also entered into the psychological realm. But thought unknowingly creates the self and treats it as being independent of thought. So we use thought to bring psychological security to secure an illusion. But the very usage of thought just exaggerates and intensifies the illusion. Strengthens it, nourishes it the more thought is applied. 

So just as you respond with thought to solve physical problems like using memory to learn a skill, we then use that same mechanism of time “memory of past knowledge, experience” and we depend on that content/movement to bring about psychological security. But the “i” that seeks that security in thought “memory, knowledge, experience, is the same mechanism that causes insecurity. Self/thought. Thought is the reason for all psychological problems. Because thought/self thinks it is seperate from the mechanism it uses. “Contradiction/duality” 

As long as this movement continues there will be confusion and one will continued to use fire to put out fire. Which leads to a big ass out of control fire? :)

So the you with psychological problems is attempting to use the very thing that causes those problems. 

Even when you say im suppose to do this or that, it is an idea you have accumulated through memory/knowledge/thought..So there you have invited the problem, “thought” to solve a problem for an imaginary entity that believes it is seperate from thought. 



So this response doesn’t get in to deep in regard to all the different aspects of thought and how they interrelate and interdepend, but it does show that all psychological problems are in fact made worse by the means in which we try and solve the very problem. 

If we do not see that any movement of thought only perpetuates psychological insecurity then we live is perpetual conflict and misery. 

This is just something to consider when thought creates some problem out of thin air.

That’s it’s function, to solve problems. But if it isn’t being utilized it will create problems to in turn try and solve them. 

Without problems thought ceases to have a role to play. That is a threat to its very continuity to self sustain. 

Anyway, “the self” is a tool to respond to our environment to operate and function, but the self convinces itself it is independent of thought. This is a contradiction. Every movement we make in the pattern of contradiction leads to confusion, conflict, pain, and psychological suffering. 

This is not by any means going to help you understand The Whole of thought, but it may create some interest in the necessity in taking an interest. 


Anyway even if you are not interested @zoey101 maybe someone might be. This is just to share how important it is to understand oursleves. 


Edited by Faceless

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After we get all this in order then we can proceed from there. 


We can not go beyond where we haven’t yet began. :)

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The most cherished possession one doesn't want to lose,but causes the suffering and prevents one from seeing who they truly are,is that identity, Unconsciously crafted,layer by layer,over many years.

 "If it ceases to be, I cease to be". Is the fear that keeps one from discovering their true nature.

But hey, Zoey101 is pretty cool in my book. So,maybe don't be in such a rush.:D

Edited by who chit

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This may help if you want to take a look.


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It's complicated so I'll break it down as simple as possible.

Most people want a positive attitude in life. That's because when you think positive, you tend to manifest positive. And when you think negative, you tend to manifest negative. It's self-reinforcing.

Makes sense so far. But what about when you're not feeling positive? What if you are angry, depressed or sad?

Well then your attempt to "think positive" can easily become your way of resisting what is. You're "shoulding on yourself" by feeling like you should be positive. Which just makes it worse, because now you're angry or depressed that you can't be more positive.

These are the overally positive people with fake painted on smiles. They're wearing a mask of positivity, but it's not authentic.

In that case the solution is to just let go and feel whatever you feel. Don't judge any of it either positively or negatively.

But it gets even more complicated.

While some people wear the mask of positivity, some people wear the mask of "letting go". This is when someone who is actually addicted to their negativity and ego drama will rationalize it as them just expressing themselves authentically. Because we're not supposed to resist negative emotions, right?

Like I said, it's a complicated question. It really just depends on the person and the intention behind what they're doing. Are they being positive because they're hiding? Or is this them actually growing? You basically have to decide that for yourself.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Faceless it is very interesting. I understand some of it. I have to stop allowing memory and experience get in the way of me just being now. 

@who chit thank you for the video. It was such a big thing to grasp. I have the power and ability to do anything if I just believe in myself. Reminded me of a Bible verse talking about if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can look at a mountain and say jump, and it will. The human side of me is thinking "well of course it won't actually jump, it's just a metaphoere" so it won't happen. 

@aurum yeah it is complicated lol I need to stop worrying about it though and just go with the flow of things :)


Thank you guys. 

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15 minutes ago, zoey101 said:

I have to stop

Don’t stop, just understand:)

As you start to understand those movements will cease to be in motion naturally. If “you” stops and interferes that’s perpetuating and maintaining the problem.

Don’t let it all stress you out. As long as you keep an interest you will get it. 


Edited by Faceless

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1 hour ago, zoey101 said:

@Faceless okay lol man this is confusing sometimes lol

Simple takeaway for what I wrote was just to see that thought is very tricky:)

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