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Dealing with Pain

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In my humble opinion, Physical pain can affect us psychologically, i mean the more pain you feel, the more you get nervous or anxious, less patience, it's an alarm to the body that something is wrong, our mind is programmed to release stress chemical when it detect external danger

I was talking with a friend yesterday about spirituality/illusions/suffering, and here is his question :D :  

If someone get "enlightened", how he deal with physical intense body pain? it won't affect his mental health?

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enlightenment doesnt have anything to do with emotional mastery or personal development. 

probably when you say enlightenment you associate it in your mind with someone like sadhguru who is hella mighty. he's hella mighty not because he's enlightened, more like he's enlightened because he's hella mighty.

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I don't like to judge, i don't think Sadhguru is a good example to mention a sage 

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6 hours ago, Spinoza said:

If someone get "enlightened", how he deal with physical intense body pain? it won't affect his mental health?

It surely can. Someone with high awareness generally doesn't indulge too much with any of the 5 senses and they deal with mental health issues better. Someone good might also know some tricks with the mind for these kinds of things.

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Ramana Maharshi
Many doctors came, and they were very puzzled because the whole body was torn with pain but there was no sign of any pain in his eyes. His eyes remained the same serene lakes as ever. Through his eyes only the witnessing self arose;
Doctors would ask, "You must be in great pain?" Ramana would reply, "Yes there is great pain, but it is not happening to me. I am aware that there is great pain happening to the body; I know that there is great pain happening. I am seeing it, but it is not happening to me."

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There is no psychological or physical body and mental body. 

All come together. 

Pain is simply uncharted territory for the mind. 

Example: during the release of blockages or kundalini, one feels pain and anxiety, but after the body/mind settle down in that pain, bliss arises and with it a new opening of the whole. 

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