
What Video Has Helped You The Most?

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What Video Has Helped You The Most?

For me it is this one:

I have come back to this video many times in my life. Even though I have notes on the video I still like to listen to it somewhat frequently. Very good video if you want more joy in your life, and you find life to be a chore. 


My notes on the video:

* Interest in the world as it is, and not the way you need it to be.

*A struggle in the individual in what he is and what he believes he should be.

* A refusal to accept what is happening in the present. A neurotic is someone who obsessively demands that life be other than what it is.

Fundamentally it is a denial or reality. 

* A neurotic is very often lost in "monkey mind" arguing in his own mind with what is, and how things ought to be other than what they are.

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All 3 parts to Leo's videos on Self-Deception + How You Lie

But my favorite one's right now are on the Hero's Journey and The Role of Balance In Personal Development.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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There are always many, I have found the paradox understanding to be very helpful, so full circle video and things like that

Edited by YaNanNallari

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That's a good one it works pretty good

Memento Mori

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:



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On 5/23/2018 at 5:14 PM, Truth said:

All 3 parts to Leo's videos on Self-Deception + How You Lie

But my favorite one's right now are on the Hero's Journey and The Role of Balance In Personal Development.

I've watched the self deception videos multiple times and I've not gotten benefit from it. Would you be willing to explain why it helped you?

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3 hours ago, TeamBills said:

I've watched the self deception videos multiple times and I've not gotten benefit from it. Would you be willing to explain why it helped you?

Other than the internal benefits of curing my neurosis (which you should know about considering your post), I'm less prone to being triggered, manipulated, taken advantage of, duped, pranked or tricked. I'm more internally grounded, confident and more aligned with Truth and who I am. As Leo says in those deception videos -->

"You don't need to worry about other deceptions or other people deceiving you, the only way they can trick you is you first need to trick yourself."

That's been a huge insight for me.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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I think they are all very helpful for their specific purpose. But the insights in those two videos have had a profound impact on my live. With the "How to be funny" guide, these are the 3 most watched videos for me.

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My journey started from this ^ video a year ago



Edited by Hello from Russia

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probably the Intro into Systems Thinking and the whole spiral dynamics series was godly!

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This video was quite a mindblower for me.  I always thought that people want more or less the same things :)

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This technique made a tangible change for me, in that entering a relaxed stated is far easier now. 

And then, of course, there's the "What is god?" video that blew my mind, but I haven't really made changes based on that. 

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On 9/3/2018 at 9:01 PM, Truth said:

Other than the internal benefits of curing my neurosis (which you should know about considering your post), I'm less prone to being triggered, manipulated, taken advantage of, duped, pranked or tricked. I'm more internally grounded, confident and more aligned with Truth and who I am. As Leo says in those deception videos -->

"You don't need to worry about other deceptions or other people deceiving you, the only way they can trick you is you first need to trick yourself."

That's been a huge insight for me.

Yeah,  neurotic video I posted has really helped me with my neurosis.  I wouldn't say it has cured it, but it has definitely helped. I'm more conscious of when I see it happening to me and others I know. I also helped me realize how most problems in life are because of neurosis. Thanks for the insight. 


6 hours ago, Elisabeth said:

This technique made a tangible change for me, in that entering a relaxed stated is far easier now. 

And then, of course, there's the "What is god?" video that blew my mind, but I haven't really made changes based on that. 

This video helped me with my obsession that I must be doing meditation wrong. Good n00b guide for meditation.


I think I'm going to rewatch the videos posted here. I would also like to recommend the video about how to get rid of strong negative emotions.

Edited by TeamBills

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Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the video that helped me the most, but I believe it was about meditation. It was the video where Leo said (to paraphrase) "meditate every for atleast 20 minutes or you'll never figure it out."

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@fluidmonolith It doesn't sound familiar to me. If you're interested in finding the video I recommend using Youtube's subtitles feature. It puts the video into text. Leo has a meditation playlist so you could go through those videos until you find the words you quoted. I will warn that programs that get text from videos are usually not great quality. This is even true for YouTube's system.

11 hours ago, fluidmonolith said:

Unfortunately I don't recall the name of the video that helped me the most, but I believe it was about meditation. It was the video where Leo said (to paraphrase) "meditate every for atleast 20 minutes or you'll never figure it out."

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