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You are the Greatest

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You are alive. You are being with a body and mind. You are conscious and aware, indeed you are existence/awareness itself. What a gift, what a marvelous thing, what a glorious thing! Do you realize the privilege to be a human being? When I look at myself and creation I see perfection, how is it even possible I ask my self? My mind cannot comprehend it. It's a miracle, everything, from a single ant to the great human brain. So much design, so much accuracy, so much complexities. We are all of that! We are death, we are mystery, we are existence, we are truly IT. 

The ego mind creates a person with suffering and problems, clouds pure reality both internally and externally. Stop identifying with it and you shall be free. The illusion is so well made and strong. The sense of self is creation, that's why it's said that the ego can never truly disappear. But there is no wrong with this sense of self, there is beauty there, there is perfection there. But when one identifies oneself surely as the body, suffering must come.  So sacrifice everything for the Truth, whatever that may be.

Thank you. 

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