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Life is a Rorschach test.

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Wow, being super aware that all thought, language are like a unit of measurement, a unit of meaning you could say. That in actual fact, none of it is actually a true reflection of the reality of the situation, although thoughts and units of measurement do exist within the spectrum of existence, through the form of thought. 

By that definition alone, language is always going to be entirely dependant on each persons unique interpretation of the symbolism. As each persons interpretation varies and again, the idea that thoughts somehow bridge the gap from one type of existence and the other in our continuous effort of designating the identity of a "thing" that's mere creation was by selecting arbitrary points and whatever is within those limits of definition becomes a unit of meaning. 

The idea of life being a rorschach test is perfect. The rorschark test is like the mini babuszka inside the biggest babuszka. Because it accurately infers a reality that in truth is not bound up by the meaning of the process. As the meaning of the rorsharc has a seemingly indirect consequence that still happens when you symbolise the reality of the rorscharch by refering to it through sounds and thoughts.  The very tool in which you are using to describe itself is affected by the consequence of translation. Which is, translating a real life event by accessing a reality that is not the reality in question. Which begs to differ when thinking about reality, that we are using thought, which is an expression of reality in one form but aswell things can be viewed in many different viewpoint.

Ever try to think a thought? What is a thought? You can witness a thought, but it really feels to me like what the rorscharch test shows is that it reveals how humans process reality. Through the process in which it operates under. You are essentially connecting the dots from previously assembled formula's and systemic arbitrations arbitrarily chosen.


When you begin to look for starting points and ending points, and the definitive border each thought has. That it can't exist outside of the boundaries created for it to exist in. Which were created by me which admittedly used a fallible process to prove the process was fallible. This is the snake eating it's tail. It's like getting somewhere and achieving something that then applied a rule that for you to reach this it must have meant that you never ever, ever even came close to walking the same path and picking up the same gauntlet which would have prompted it never to have happened..never to have happened, never to have happened. That never to have happened has a following never to have happened. How can nothingness appear to swallow itself like this?

Edited by MisterMan

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And people generally don't know what magic is. The same language one is using is magical, to bind one to specific patterns of the right-hand path. 

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woah, magic no shit? Heard some things about it from the Duncan Trussel Family hour podcast. Where he interviewed some guy that seems to be one of the spokesmen or heads of some form of movement in the magic world. 

So my understanding is that this place is the mindfuckery place, where you can rip, twist your logic and pull your emotional states anywhich way and make up look down, and left look right but they also look each other.

I remember allan watts saying how much the the laws that govern language also governs to how we relate to it. You can't have a verb without having a noun. You can't attribute a verb without connecting a noun to it. This simple, and in plain sight basic as fuck premise completely distorts our perspective and idea's about reality and how we go about living our lives, and you see this heavily reflected in our society. How deeply ingrained this belief is. 

Edited by MisterMan

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