
Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator

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You guys have probably heard about this since it exploded in popularity recently.

It's a fun little test that helps you determine your strong personality traits and major weaknesses.

Short introduction

What's your result? I've consistently gotten INTP over the years.



Edited by Neuroticon

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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INTJ "The Architect". Last time I did this I was INFP "The Mediator".

The Mediator is an idealistic hippie who sees the good in everybody and wants to make the world a better place. The Architect is a strategic thinker who now is constructing a realistic plan to make the world a better place. This is how I have changed recently. It's quite accurate. ;)

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i like tools and information of this sort, it is useful and can be applied practically. it should not become a personal bible of any sorts.

for me, knowing about my and few of my closest friend's type is enough, it gives some good points to draw from, but completely identifying with it and over-personalising it is not healthy for overal growth and long-term growth. they are just extra insight into personal dealings with others.

reason for not overdoing it is simple, it becomes excuse for passing judgement on others and justifying one's own arguments avoiding to be open to overarching/greater picture.
toy with it,but don't let it cloud your vision.

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Your Results:

“The Architect” (INTJ-T)

- Analyst

- Constant Improvement

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I am an INFJ.

Personally I've found this test useful as a tool to know myself better, but sometimes people tend to limit themselves to it's results and forget a human being is so much more than those 16 types.

Edited by SenshiAna
Added more info

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


I knew it! :)

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46 minutes ago, denselayman said:

i like tools and information of this sort, it is useful and can be applied practically. it should not become a personal bible of any sorts.

for me, knowing about my and few of my closest friend's type is enough, it gives some good points to draw from, but completely identifying with it and over-personalising it is not healthy for overal growth and long-term growth. they are just extra insight into personal dealings with others.

reason for not overdoing it is simple, it becomes excuse for passing judgement on others and justifying one's own arguments avoiding to be open to overarching/greater picture.
toy with it,but don't let it cloud your vision.

It is a great snapshotting tool :)
Now the next step for me will be to ramp up my extraverted mindset (36% on this chart now), basically being less shy with people I just met.
It already works in forums, but not so good in the real world, especially when it comes to pretty girls :D

For example I had to sort of force me to sign up on the forums :D
When Leo sent out the emails for searching the first 100, I was uncertain what to do.
Luckily my extraverted side took over, overruling the introverted side and filled out the form :D
I did not comment on any of Leos videos before :) *shame on me*

Edited by Thomas Taschler

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5 minutes ago, Thomas Taschler said:

It is a great snapshotting tool :)
Now the next step for me will be to ramp up my extraverted mindset (36% on this chart now), basically being less shy with people I just met.
It already works in forums, but not so good in the real world, especially when it comes to pretty girls :D

downloading andabsorbing this tool won't fix harsh reality of dating and interacting with girls, that's for sure. i'm no girl expert by far, but i have realised that if i grow my personal integrity, my charisma will grow also and if can then i identify it and trust it somehow, i will in result attract more girls, if not all or most, then certainly ones that find this my charisma attractive and work my way from there =]


as for improving yourself based on this principle, look at this vid, i have not seen it myself, but the vid for my type was very informative.



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This  site contains a great variety on the personalities, the functions, the common traits and differences.

It goes in depth with explanation, especially for the rarer and introverted intuitive types (INTP, INFP, INTJ, INFJ).

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I used to be INFJ for years and now it seems like I am ENTP. Interesting. It did fit me though. :) I think I could possibly be INTP as well, cause I am not THAT social, but I am something in-between.

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ESFJ-A:  i read the detailed explanations and they appear to be only half accurate according to my understanding.  I probably interpreted the questions from a different perspective than the usual treatment given to these sort of tests.

I agree with SenshiAna that a human being is much more than the limited 16 types mentioned.  This test, for me, is just part of the "fun and games" of life experience.   Nevertheless such tests are great for many people at the particular stage in life where they can benefit from that sort of support.

joy :)

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INFJ. I agree with denselayman that one shouldn't identify too much with a particular personality type. When I first learned about the MB types and my own type a couple of years ago I was so relieved to understand my self better. Especially introversion; that explained the exhaustion at parties.

For me, the positive about knowing your personality type is that you get a framework to understand how yourself and others work and what makes us tick. 

The negatives that I experienced was that I identified myself with my type, creating a "personality feedback loop". Being an introverted and uncommon type, this made me more secluded from others. Another thing was that I believed that being a Feeler was equivalent to being dumb, but I discovered that this was just a false belief. Also, Thinkers can feel a need to always be logical and try to remove their emotions, which can only lead to suffering. Classifying people can lead to unnecessary segregation between us, but It's a very cool tool.

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1 minute ago, Amund said:

INFJ. I agree with denselayman that one shouldn't identify too much with a particular personality type. When I first learned about the MB types and my own type a couple of years ago I was so relieved to understand my self better. Especially introversion; that explained the exhaustion at parties.

For me, the positive about knowing your personality type is that you get a framework to understand how yourself and others work and what makes us tick. 

The negatives that I experienced was that I identified myself with my type, creating a "personality feedback loop". Being an introverted and uncommon type, this made me more secluded from others. Another thing was that I believed that being a Feeler was equivalent to being dumb, but I discovered that this was just a false belief. Also, Thinkers can feel a need to always be logical and try to remove their emotions, which can only lead to suffering. Classifying people can lead to unnecessary segregation between us, but It's a very cool tool.

I agree. Trying to check the box perfectly is stupid and dangerous. I've done it myself and justifiying some of your actions just because you're some specific type is inexcusable. You can't fit 100% but the test should be used as a source of self-awareness and guidiline to your general personality. Also it is helpful for getting out of your comfort zone every once in a while.

It's all about the way you use it. For me it has been a majorly fun topic of investigation and introspection.

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2 minutes ago, Amund said:

...  I discovered that this was just a false belief. Also, Thinkers can feel a need to always be logical and try to remove their emotions, which can only lead to suffering. Classifying people can lead to unnecessary segregation between us, ...

In my younger days I went through much the same feelings and ideas.  it seems to be a common part of the human journey.  This kind of personality tool is very useful when it helps one to become aware of inhibiting behaviour that can be adjusted to better harmonize one's relationship to oneself and the 'world' (the 'world' is everything outside of the 'me' and 'mine').

joy :)

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I read, that Myers-Briggs Personality types can change over the course of a single month and the last time, I did the assessment, I turned out to be INTJ.

So since these personality types are not fundamentally cast in stone, how can this concept be used for personal growth? Just for observing, where I'm at? Or is there some sort of possibility to actively transform ones personality from one type to another? I highly doubt that. Human personality is way too complex to be categorized with just 16 different types.

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