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Orthodox Christian Monasticism

3 posts in this topic

Orthodox will never unite with Catholic, they think every negativity is a hell condemning sin, they are the least forgiving religion I know of, they are convinced that everyone who isn't on their path is on a path to eternal awful hell tortures. 

If you can get anything useful from it, good for you, just take it with a grain of salt :)

Edit: after watching some of the video, notice the fake (oh they think it's truthful) holy than thou attitude, the shaming of others supposedly sinful ways, the complete lack of higher understanding about the world and self, the separation, the hypnosis methods. 

I don't think these people understand that "repent" means "let go, move on". While they speak of peace, they are very much addicted to inflicting pain on themselves and others. If you take away their god given right to pain and negativity, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves :)

Edited by iamme

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