
Accepting reality VS Success and making a change

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for the last years , I have been working in my consciousness a lot . and I have became pretty much fully accepting everything that is happening , including my emotions , thoughts , circumstances , everything basically .. because I have realized that life is me ! 

but I have found out in this process of more and more accepting life as me that the more I accept the less motivation I have to do or change anything , I became less driven to study , to make money , to all success in life ! But .. I'm fulfilled and happy inside . 

Is that normal or should I be more driven to live a successful amazing life the more I accept reality as me ? 

note : I'm only 19 and my recent life in not amazing or considered unsuccesful externally  , I never had a girl friend or sex , I have never made money for my self , still living in my family basement .. etc.. ! 

Edited by Capital

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Success is a by-product; one need not think about it. And if you think about it, you will not get it -- that is a condition. If you work really sincerely upon yourself, success will follow you just as your shadow follows you. Success has not to be the goal. Work quietly, silently, un-troubled by any idea of success or failure.

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It's normal but it's not complete. If you know Truth then you take the chance to make a better world for you and for others. 

Why you feel lack of motivation is because your are still stuck in the other side of life called "nothingness". Don't stay there to long because nothing ever happens there ?❤️

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