Barbarian Number 8

I hate work !

25 posts in this topic


......-I´m lazy, have difficulties to accept athourities, hate responsibility, don´t like having a timetable or watch, hate to adapt my life to fit and promote somebodys elses agenda, I like to sleep until I wake up and have to pee, at lunch I love to bingeeat until I hardly can move and fall asleep, also I am very suspicious of people (I might hate them too), I definitely dislaike having to shave my face and iron my shirts everyday (what a waste of time _that_is!) also I like to have alot of "me time".


I like your help to figure out some way to make a living and prosper. probably think that I am joking...well...I am not. I am actually very truthful. Are you?

I mean; think about it....wouldn´t it be nice to avoid the above plagues?

I know myself and I hate work.


This forum is supposed to be filled with creative, clever and selfaware people....sooo...I thought it to be a good idéa to outsource the problemsolving to You.

(also...see subject-title) :)


I dare You! ;) Help a brother out!


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To my knowledge in 21st century, if you don't work, you will always depend on somebody to pay your internet bill to connect to lol

Me too i don't like to work for someone else, you can start your own business (in most of case, it will still require discipline but you are more free) or you can also not work and live your passion and do something that all can benefit from. This is not an advice, just an opinion 

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Find a job you love to do and you'll never work a day in your life :)


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@pluto Hello Mr. Pluto! Could be true, but I have been looking for a loong time and not found anything yet. Any hints?

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Most IT people don't have to shave or iron shirts, and some of them even have flexible hours and/or home office. 

I don't know a way to avoid all responsibility, adaptation, routine work and all the related pain though ;) 

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@Elisabeth  I´ve tried the IT-path and really could not stand it. Althou I did have anything but few and flexible hours. They will work you to death.

I was surrounded by binary-thinking-people...and almoast all boys (regardless of age)....and the "girls"....well....they made me question my feelings about mounting the "wolly mamuths" or just to stay single. That was a bad time for my lovelife :(

I did enjoy the no-shawing thou :)

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7 hours ago, Barbarian Number 8 said:

@Elisabeth  I´ve tried the IT-path and really could not stand it. Althou I did have anything but few and flexible hours. They will work you to death.

I don't know about US (or wherever you are) but over here (Prague) it's possible for IT students to get part-time jobs or work doing projects for themselves, and still live off the money, since the average IT wage is twice the median wage. That's why I suggested it. 

7 hours ago, Barbarian Number 8 said:

....and the "girls"....well....they made me question my feelings about mounting the "wolly mamuths" or just to stay single. 

Damn that's an incredibly hurtful judgement :( Man, you can date whomever you want, look outside of workplace or do whatever you want, but give the women who've decided to not play the "conforming to the contemporary beauty ideal" game a break. 

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-Ahoj! I am happy to hear about the good IT-conditions in Prague! I have been to Prague a few times (in summertime) and loved the town. It is only a 65 minutes flight from Sweden. It would be nice to stay there longer. What kind of sallery per hour do the IT people have there? Do you have any good links?


No my comment about the wolly mammut is not hurtful, it is actually very descriptive and kind. The IT-females that I have encountered usually had hairy legs, armpits and facialhair (mustach and sideburners) airhair, unibrow and to that we can add bad hygine with unbrushed teeth with a breath that could kill. They dress and act masculine. It was quite amazing to see it. At first it was like a bad joke.

My lesbian and bi friends said that the females was straight. Straight but very "uncept".

Ja, I see the dubbelstandard with me not having to shave yet hoping the women too do just that :) my defence...-have you ever kissed a woman with a mustach and unbrushed teeth?


I am thinking that you might believe the Prauge and Swedish women to look the same. They don´t.

On the topfloor McDonalds in Palladium I used to observe Praguepeople to count their money, order something small, sit down and unpack something else from their bag and eat it with the MD-food.

In Sweden poor people gooble up MD´s like it was their last day alive. You are pre/entering the-MD-plauge, Sweden is about 28 years in. The difference is litterly massive. Have you been to Sweden?

This meaning.......Praguepeople are waaay more thinner and in shape than Swedish.


Giving the frase; "the women who've decided to not play the"conforming to the contemporary beauty ideal" game a break" not really a fair one.

Yes everyone may present themselves as they want and I also have the right to avoid the above mentioned females.

I am hoping that the uncept females will be marginalised as more women enters the IT-field, just beacuse I like hygien and non-manly females. In any case I do prefer to look for females outside the IT-sector.


Considering me, I like to say that I am very openminded and rarely "judge". If you followed me around for a day, you would understand it would be difficult for me to be otherwise. Also, with age comes this thing of not being PC but more to value the truth.


Since you found my comment "incredibly hurtful judgement", I suspect that you took it personally. I don´t apologize but I like to know why you prefer to be hairy? I will never find hairy/uncept women attractive, it is my personal preferens thou, but I like to know your thinking about your hairyness?

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41 minutes ago, Barbarian Number 8 said:


-Ahoj! I am happy to hear about the good IT-conditions in Prague! I have been to Prague a few times (in summertime) and loved the town. It is only a 65 minutes flight from Sweden. It would be nice to stay there longer. What kind of sallery per hour do the IT people have there? Do you have any good links?


Probly not high in Swedish standards. Sweden is much more expensive overall than Cz. So IT people being in high demand by foreign companies has raised the bar to more "western" numbers. I kind of assumed it would be a good job across Europe but maybe not. 

I wouldn't describe myself as hairy but I sure as hell don't care to impress with my looks at day-to-day work. I go with the lowest acceptable standard (imho) because I don't enjoy the time-investment and process of making myself pretty because of other people. 

I can understand not wanting to share an office with an unpleasant coworker, but I guess I misunderstand why dating prospect would play a crucial role in deciding your career-path. 

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@Elisabeth I seek to avoid work in the normative sense and some of its "fallout".

I did describe the kind of people in the IT sector, thus your reaction. I never date coworkers.

I recognice that we both translate from a native language to english and then back to another native language.


Anyhow, I was curious about what number a CZ would consider a high pay, in order to compare it to livingcost in Praha.

Most commonsallerys are below Swedish but so are the cost of living also. I think that we might be the second most expensive country in the world. So the relative numbers between the two are of interest when trying to live a good life.

It may turn out that it is possible to save more with a CZ pay than a SWE one. Relatively.

I did get a positive image about how young CZ people presented themselves althou most seemed poor they did dress nice and neat, also suits seemed very popular for men. I suspect that we differ in this messuring. Like inches vs. centimeters.

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37 minutes ago, Barbarian Number 8 said:

It may turn out that it is possible to save more with a CZ pay than a SWE one. Relatively.


I'm in academia. I take ~1000 Eur. My friend in IT (with some experience) got the same for a half-time job while at school. If I flat-share, I pay about a third of it for accommodation. Single accommodation is too expensive unless I get really lucky. Like this, I to save about a fifth of my salary monthly (I don't feel like I'm trying too hard, but I do take care not to eat out too often).

But I don't think you'll save much if you fly there and back to Sweden from time to time. 

I've been to Gothenburg for a conference. I found Swedish people somewhat emotionally distant but generally pleasant to be around. 

Edited by Elisabeth

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@Elisabeth  That was actually a nice pay for a halftime job. Just to make sure 4h á day x 22 days= 1000 E after tax per month?

A third of the sallary, as a norm in SWE, is calcylated to go to rent. Althou we mainly live in single housholds. I guess the capital-living adds some.

A lot of people here lives pay to pay. So being able to put away 20% is very good.

Flight cost about 100 E, ok price.

hehe, ja distant&pleasant...we translate it to "being nonpersonal" or just plain bland. We have three personas and you met the business/offically social one. It aplies to people we need to be nice to but keep at a distance.

-Thank you for the Praha info! I will look into that market. :)

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6 hours ago, Barbarian Number 8 said:

@Elisabeth  That was actually a nice pay for a halftime job. Just to make sure 4h á day x 22 days= 1000 E after tax per month?


You'll have to look into that yourself, as the salary would vary greatly among the different IT branches. Maybe my friend had some high demand skills. He's very clever. 

Anyway, Prague opportunities may or may not be good, but since you seem willing to move, you have a lot of places in the world to contemplate... 

Edited by Elisabeth

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have you looked into the "life purpose course"?  seems like you need to find that thing that "kindles that flame" in you

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@Michael569  Mr. Michael, I am on fire! :)

I do already know my path and endgame. What I am trying to work on now is plotting the roadmap inbetween points and preferbly figure out as a smooth ride as possible. Also I am seeking combinations of work (evil) and travel (heaven), like in the Praha-conversation with the kind&helpful @Elisabeth

Work is the life and world for many but it is not living for me. I want more.

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"If you don't have discipline, you don't deserve to dream."

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17 hours ago, Barbarian Number 8 said:

What I am trying to work on now is plotting the roadmap inbetween points and preferbly figure out as a smooth ride as possible.

the problem could be that you are trying to allocate the path of least resistance which is not always the path you need to take. It is painful to pursue your passion and if you keep avoiding pain and hard work, you will suffer your whole life. Not bashing on you but this is something I see happening in my life when I get complacent...the easy way becomes the hardest way. 

By the way, greetings from neighbour Slovak member ;)

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I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569  Hello good neighbour! :)

That is very true true what you say. But I have something to add.

I multithread the linnear path of life.

Picture it as a rope. A rope got many threads going to one derection (and ofcourse coming from one). Well my threads are not all the same. They are mixed. Some hard earned and some easy. Some I paid in blood and some was free.

I seek balance. All these threads in my "life rope" are all mixed. I do not need all to be of blood and pain. I can also learn from the free easy ones.

Think yin and yang.

It is as a norm belived that there only is something to learn from pain and suffering, that is not true...or is only about half of the truth.

I claim there is also something to learn from the opposite. Many are blind to this point of view of mine. That is probably a legacy of Christianity.


Ofcourse this is not a binary issue, I also account for and acknowlegde the many shades between light and dark.

I accept the existanse of all shades and they all in a mix makes me me. Simply put.


Just as the easy way can become the hardest so can the hardest way become the easiest. It is all in constant movment/morphing.


I don´t think that you are bashing me. You seems to put thought into your posts and I like to hear your input. I expect to learn.

Greetings from the cold North! :)

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