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Obstacles towards self realization

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What do you think is the biggest obstacle towards realizing your true nature ? I guess, mine is that I am so critical about everything as well as the physical pain I am experiencing almost continually. What is yours ?

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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@LiakosN How convincing I am. 



You bout ready to let this pain go? 

It’s not serving you. 

Though, I know, it’s very convincing. 


Then you’ll realize, you created all of it. 



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1. What pain do you feel on a regular basis, were is it located? What does it feel like?

2. "I'm so critical about everything" 

So this is a observation you have made about your experience, first of all don't be so quick to completely identify with this perception. Identify simply means, you see something and take it to be you! Stop doing that. I invite to contemplate and consider why this occurs?

It might be case that your perceptive faculties - eyes, ears, feelings ect.  Are fused with your mind. As a result everything is instantaneously categorized into - good and bad, right and wrong, useful - a threat.  It might be the case that your self perception is creating the positive & negative charge about everything that's perceived. And this pure brilliance is all in the name of self survival. Its a very complex and intricate affair. 

See if today you can start to become conscious that everything has a effect on you - either positive or negative.

If you do start to experience that on a more and more subtle level, then maybe you are also open to questioning why that occurred and for what purpose. 

Our Self perception need not be accurate, its main purpose is to categorize everything into terms of what it means "To Me" 

Me and my agenda, me and my needs, me and my survival.  

This Self perception is one of main reasons why enlightenment "seems" obscure. This perception is not only habitual and all you know, its a strong drive inside you, because your own survival is on the line. But it is possible to completely transcend it. That's the good news.

The very sense of you behind the eyes, looking at the screen right now is exactly what's been pointed out. 

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@Nahm @Hero in progress I have an injury in my back and I feel pain. The other day, I asked myself: Am I this pain ? If the pain seizes to exist will I also stop to exist ? And then I laughed. It was so obvious. I am identified with the pain. I am judging myself and others, how I/we look, what I say etc.

Edited by LiakosN

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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@Nahm Yes, I am doing some workouts and stretches daily. It got better but not gully healed. The fact is that after my mushroom trip the pain diminished a lot? How is that ? Was there some emotional suffering as well ?

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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@LiakosN Yeah. Emotional suffering / belief in physical identity, pain reinforcement (mentally) all same stuff. I was hit by a car (while not moving) that was going 75 miles an hour (odometer locked from impact). Helicopter, “jaws of life” took the door off, stretcher, ambulance, etc. Crazy. Psychadelics are powerful. Back’s 100% now. ??



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2 hours ago, LiakosN said:

What do you think is the biggest obstacle towards realizing your true nature ? I guess, mine is that I am so critical about everything as well as the physical pain I am experiencing almost continually. What is yours ?

Generically, I think the biggest obstacle towards realizing your true nature for most people is the belief that it is will be "you" who will realize your true nature.

Eric Putkonen - stopped blogging and now do videos on YouTube -

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@Nahm I agree. Psychedelics are powerful shit. What injuries did you face? 

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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Ignorance. He cannot know his true nature, literally. That's why the path of meditation is hardcore, it is to end ignorance. There's more than the physical world, one who is trapped there in normal consciousness cannot know anymore than what he sees. But once the veil of ignorance is broken, reality is seen as it is, glorious. 

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Personally, my obstacle is that I cannot do any more spiritual growth cuz every month I'm injected with a syringe after my extreme psychosis breakthrough, where I left my body completely and experienced another reality, far away from what we normally think about reality.

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@LiakosN I died in that first one. 

Sorry, was on the road, home now.  I had a more recent accident, whiplash, neck bone spur, sciatic nerve damage, fractured foot, and a golf ball sized swelling on my temple. Bout a month or so ago. Psych insight and simple exercises go a long way, was kinda the point.



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@Nahm what do you mean you died? 

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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@LiakosN I didn’t realize it at the time, though I was dumbfounded to be hit by a car and not have a scratch on me (again, 75 miles an hour). All the windows blew out, the car hit so hard from behind, it knocked my car so hard into the van in front of me, that the car bounced off, flipped sideways almost 180 degrees, and hit the same car behind me again. The back number (station wagon) was literally up against the back of the front seat.  Maybe ‘25 years’ later, when I realized I’m not “alive”, it came back, and was clear. I have a pic somewhere of that car after the “accident”, I see if I can find it and send it to ya. Let me just say too, yeah, this sounds dumb and crazy to everyone, I know that. Lol. There’s no assertion, no consistency, no matter, unless there is illusion. It’d be like if you went to Disneyland when you were 5, and didn’t remember it when you were 20, but then went there again at 30 and were like, oh, wow, ok, I remember this, this death, this Being.



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@Nahm So, you had a death experience, right ? You died before your die, as Jesus said ?

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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