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How I overcame every addictive tendancy through self-love and barriers

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Like a child in our mind, the ego wants to stay in a perpetual cycle of bad habits as a replacement to the love it didn't receive from it's parents in childhood, and presently, ourselves as it's eternal wellspring of love. Whenever certain feelings of discomfort come up I've found myself at the kitchen cupboard eyeing up some chocolate. I've found myself as well in my mind, thinking of fantasies where everyone loves me because I'm a hero in that world, and I've even gone on the internet for days in the wake of the almighty feeling of discomfort. Discomfort only arises to be loved, any feeling is only here to be loved and accepted and adored; but we often choose to push this "ugly side" away because it is painful to feel it. Painful, until you realize that pain is your highest evolution happening to clearing the emotions were judged and ridiculed by your parents in childhood. We all thus carry trauma within us as children that has shaped our entire ego, our entire identity; and if we decide to love this trauma in the form of emotions, you will fell like your dying because the ego is being transformed into pure light.

Barriers are the key to stopping addictions combined with self-love. Here is the process! There is of course other ways too, such as calling very sticky addictions talents, and just enjoying it to the max. That is also self-love. This is really fun when you get the hang of it, doing anything spiritual should be at least on some level fun and enjoyable or it's probably another form of sneaky self-avoidance. Many blessings. This whole video is heart opening, sooo watch it if you can.


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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