
Meditation Spasms

7 posts in this topic

There will be times when I feel really good in my body for some reason and I start to lie down and meditate and my body will start to spasm and shake. it feels like there is this strong energy in my body and that my body will start to tense up to control it and thats when my body will start shaking. Anybody else have experiences like this?

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Nope, but don't try to tame it. Let it happen and welcome it. 

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21 minutes ago, UpperClassWhiteBoy said:

There will be times when I feel really good in my body for some reason and I start to lie down and meditate and my body will start to spasm and shake. it feels like there is this strong energy in my body and that my body will start to tense up to control it and thats when my body will start shaking. Anybody else have experiences like this?

As such I would assume that this is good. Look up hypnic jerks or tremoring. These seem to be natural reactions that we learn to suppress because they're not considered 'cute'.

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I have at least 1 year of practice in what are you saying. After i got channel in those shakes it will start some kind of torture pain a couple of hours, after that, pain translates in higher awareness, better 5 senses, mood, everything. Cause the body is atrophied from sitting at school. 

My normal breathing in rest meditating are only 3 to 4 long breaths, and the 80% of the time is Nirvana (blowing out the air).

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Energy realigning itself, no big deal, surrender, trust and just be with it, enjoy it. This is your reality, your creation. What you experience is what you believe is most possible - Welcome to the Universe :)


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