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To be or not to be

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To desire or not desire. To do or not to do. These are all questions that cannot be answered without creating a paradox. The truth is found in the middle, but without the edges we constantly fall out of meditation. Can you truthfully say that you are completely enlightened, floating, flowing. Desiring nothing, not even not desiring? When we seize to look, we seize to be, but get curious and forget why we stopped looking.

Desire is a funny thing. It stands in the way of truth and yet it is truth. When we play the game and follow desire, we quickly forget that what we chase is projections of our egoic mind. Thus they become illusions, as we think they are real. In this sense, desire leads us away from the truth, by leading us into illusions. But this is once again the ego judging from a particular point of view. When we become tired of the game, we look for a way out and get a glimpse that nothing is. We then might try to lead others to this realization, as we are still stuck believing in good/bad, truth/illusion. If every human being is the whole, how can we judge any point of view without judging ourselves, and how can we make anyone stop chasing illusions before they recognize them as false truths?

You cannot make anyone realize anything that is not already blooming inside of them, and by attempting to speed up the process of their awakening you are slowing it down. Either their version of you and your words become an ideal, which shields the truth behind a thick layer, or they dismiss whatever interpretation of your idea they see. This is not to say that you should abstain from speaking your truth, but that you should abstain from judging someone else's truth as inferior. When you falsely believe yourself to be the teacher and everyone else to be students, you limit yourself. We are all teachers and students, and if you let go of judging, chasing, and desiring specific now's/outcomes/things, open yourself up to anything and reject nothing, you'll become enlightened by truth and love; you'll become a light of truth and love that others will instinctively follow. 

These are all just words that came to mind. Nothing more nothing less than what you see. I wrote them for my own amusement, but if anyone finds some truth or falsehood in them, and wish to express it in the comment section, don't hold it back by fear or doubt of not sounding smart. We are all 'just' leaves in the wind, so let yourself be that and flow.

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