
I thought I had awareness down...Fuck

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57 minutes ago, Outer said:

What does "Language will get ya" mean? You might be suffering from some psychosis bro.

Oh and you've discussed with professors, psychologists and life long Taoists, right.

I think that @Faceless is ahead of many here. Actually, if you really examine what he says, it's is correct. 

He helped me so much via PM's, and it doesn't come through as pure insights at first, but if you contemplate it for some time, then it does. 

I also think that @Faceless has weakened his ego to such a degree that he doesn't realise what looks like ego from lesser awareness, from an ordinary conscious level.

The talk about professors and psychologist is not bragging, even if it looks that way to you. It's a simple statement where he try to handle you the truth for your own sake. To bring peace to your mind/consciousness. 

 @Faceless has no ego to defend. 

In this very thread, you attacking @Faceless for a number of things, one of them his grammar/english. Yesterday, you attacking me for the very same thing. Your aggressive nature @Outer is not beneficial to you, nor this forum. Don't be harsh with @Faceless for helping you out.

Peace bro. 

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Also @Outer where do you get this notion of faceless's language? I'm as English as they come and the only barrier I'm up against when conversing with him is my lack of understanding. 


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Are you enlightened? (this isn't a trick question. Just curious)

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Just now, Outer said:

No of course not. I'd also not call it being enlightened or not, but to which degree one is awakened or in the process of awakening.

So would you consider that 'absolutely no thought' is the final enlightenment? Is that something even possible? Or is there nothing called a finishing line..just more and more degrees of no thought/awakening?

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@Outer was actually curious what your barriers where not getting involved in anyway, I'm staying well away ?

No worries. 


Love you all ♥️?

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Just now, Outer said:

Yeah, more degrees of no thought and the first degrees will have the most effect. I don't think there is a permanent finishing line as outside circumstances will affect it. Might even jump up and down in degrees of no thought, but the more stable at higher degrees the more I'd think it can be considered awakening.

Interesting. Is this journey towards no thought/awakening voluntary or involuntary? Is an individual in complete control about how much he wanna move forward and how slowly/quickly?

Or is it something that is out of his control and all he can do is to wait and see how things progress?

Edited by Preetom

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Just now, Outer said:

If you want to learn Chinese you still have to pick up a book to learn it, it's not going to happen by itself.

You're not going to understand the stuff you're talking about until you have very little to no thoughts. It's not as if people think "I don't have control" "I don't have free will" who are far into awakening lol. They just happen to say it. Just as the wind blows in the trees.

Sounds reasonable. May I know how you are undertaking this journey? What techniques/formulas would you recommend if someone decided to take full responsibility and start this journey?

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But I thought u can have thoughts but u don't identify with them bc one u can't stop thoughts no matter what u do ur not in controll but u can be aware of them bc it's the ego I'm not the ego so I try to separate myself from it by being aware that its just the ego not me

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7 hours ago, Faceless said:

Without the movement of thought/the thinker there would be no subject to identify with something else. Which means no “entity” that “experiences” lol, emotions, thoughts, and so on. 

Do you see this?? 

All contained within mind. 


7 hours ago, Faceless said:


Although they are already one ?

Also this relates to what I mean by “goal” preventing this death from becoming actual. 

Do you see that? 

Because the a goal reinforces/sustains the continuity of the subject as an actual entity. Therefore the psychological division doesn’t end. 

7 hours ago, Faceless said:

Without the movement if thought/the thinker there would be no subject to identify with something else. Which means no “entity” that “experiences” lol, emotions, thoughts, and so on. 

Do you see this?? 

All contained within mind. 

Without thought and/or thinker, there can still be a subject experiencing. Sense perception does not stop once thought stops, correct me if I'm wrong

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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15 hours ago, Squidward said:

I thought I had awareness down, especially when it comes to negative thoughts and emotions. I thought I knew the difference between thinking and being aware I'm thinking. Now I feel like I'm forgetting how to do it, could this be bc I'm doing meditation wrong 

Maybe i'm missing your point, but the difference between thinking and being aware of thinking is quite simple and not very hard to understand. 

Being aware of thinking = thinking, but mindfully observing those thoughts as they arise and pass away.

Thinking = thinking and not realising you're thinking, and then often getting lost in those thoughts.

I don't understand how you can forget how to be aware of your thoughts. Just sit silently and put your attention on your thoughts as they arise and pass away.

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Focus on Gluteus Maximus ;) & Talons. Channel the breath.

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Great question.. You are getting this quite well. 


 If f there is the subjective experiencer then thought/the thinker is in movement. If thought is in movement then the “preset moment” actually is a projection of that content and recollection “memory”..The accumulation of the knower/The known. 


When thought is in movement each ”new” experience implies a projection of thought “experience, knowledge, through the recollection of memory, which implies that it is actually not a new experience at all. If there remains a division between the perceiver and the perceived then there is no new experiencing....Just sit on this for a while If is confusing.


1 hour ago, Dodo said:

Sense perception does not stop once thought stops, correct me if I'm wrong

 :)Well nobody is “right” until it’s understood yet. You will have to go into it and see it in yourself. Otherwise it remains a theory and not a fact to yourself.

As far as sense perception...

When there is a cessation of the movement of thought/experience and what it implies “the response of past experience, knowledge, through memory” which is static, there is no imposition of that movement/content being impressed onto each new dynamic moment. 


Then there is an experiencing free of the experiencer/experienced or the movement of self/thought.


This is the ending of time/thought. 


A cessation of division between the observer and the observed. An ending of space between subject/object. 


When there is thought/thinker all new experiences are not new at all. 


When the movement of thought/thinker ends then that is creative, new, active, alive, dynamic experiencing. This is the essence of love, compassion, beauty, joy, which are not movements of thought at all....

This is what I call headlessness and when even deeper centerlessness. 

Go into this very deeply. Don’t accept it or deny it. As that is thought in movement. Don’t let choice enter and contaminate the exploration. 


Edited by Faceless

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Did I make that clear enough? 

I cant really explain that any simpler than that as of now. 

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4 minutes ago, Faceless said:


Did I make that clear enough? 

I cant really explain that any simpler than that as of now. 

But you already hinted at the truth, that it is already so. There is no duality, only thought may say otherwise, but that's also part of What is here now, if it's here now.


When there is a cessation of the movement of thought/experience and what it implies “the response of past experience, knowledge, through memory” which is static, there is no imposition of that movement/content being impressed onto each new dynamic moment. 

What is all this but the movement of thought? You're highly conceptual thinker, why do you want to teach me your conceptual beliefs? GIve me a practice that will help me experience something, don't teach me conceptual stories! 

There being new moments is a movement of your thought / imagination, in reality, when we look, there are no new moments. There is only ONE moment, This moment. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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1 hour ago, Dodo said:

There is no duality

Only if thought/experience ends does duality end. 


1 hour ago, Dodo said:

What is all this but the movement of thought? You're highly conceptual thinker, why do you want to teach me your conceptual beliefs?

The whole of Thought must be understood to end thought. It’s not a conceptualization that I’m sharing. Unless thought/experience/time ends then this is all belief. 

It’s only on the ending of the movement of duality that the nondual is. This is so.

what is or “reality” cannot be when experience/time is in movement. 

Thought can never see TRUTH

Edited by Faceless

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The accumulating of knowledge/experiences about non duality amongst other things prevents the ending of  time. 

Thats where the illusion/belief comes in.

Edited by Faceless

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