
Interesting Glimpse- Life and Death both are Mental Constructs

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Just now, Faceless said:

I understand this point of view.

As long as mind is still in movement there will be this recognition of experience. It’s when the center ceases that there is not even an “i am” 

There is no self awareness at all. So Actually no point in even naming this non-experience. 

It is more like a immeasurable/timeless nonbeing.  

With no particular point of reference, view, or vantage point. 

Quite hard to explain. Actually totally impossible to even interpret it at all. Because I am never there.

that makes sense. I guess that's the Absolute!

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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5 minutes ago, Preetom said:

that makes sense. I guess that's the Absolute


I don’t name such beauty. Let’s not name such bliss?

Edited by Faceless

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Just now, Faceless said:


I don’t name such a beauty. Let’s not name such bliss?


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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2 hours ago, Viking said:

what is identification? im at exactly the same point as op, the self is just part of the whole, but it seems like that's it. everything is meaningless, therefore everything just is, therefore its empty, including the ego, "i" am not the ego, it's all just being, and the ego is inside of it, i dont control anything because i am nothing, theres no such thing as "i", theres only being/consciousness. but i dont carry that around with me into everyday life, i always forget that (like just now writing the sentence, I could say that this "knowledge" isnt usually present in consciousness). i think that theres something deeper but it seems like i cant go anywhere from here, it feels like im at the bottom.

You intellectually know that there is no ''I'' which I agree with but you have not experienced absolute nothingness (not me either) which is why we keep forgetting it. You say you are nothing but in fact you are non-existent. There simply just is what is. But you are not. What is simply is, but taking away a ''me'' from it can mean a lot. Space is created, existence is free to be the way it is, identification with existence perishes, but existence/awareness continues to be what it is, like it always have and always will. Existence is all there is, One and Alone. To say I am existence is to create separation, to say ''it'' is existence is to create another separation. No, it is undivided, One and self-existent, eternal without a second.

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1 minute ago, Highest said:

You intellectually know that there is no ''I'' which I agree with but you have not experienced absolute nothingness (not me either) which is why we keep forgetting it. You say you are nothing but in fact you are non-existent. There simply just is what is. But you are not. What is simply is, but taking away a ''me'' from it can mean a lot. Space is created, existence is free to be the way it is, identification with existence perishes, but existence/awareness continues to be what it is, like it always have and always will. Existence is all there is, One and Alone. To say I am existence is to create separation, to say ''it'' is existence is to create another separation. No, it is undivided, One and self-existent, eternal without a second.

what does this concept "absolute nothingness" point to, and how do you know that it exists?

well, obviously you dont know if it exists, but lets be openminded and consider an option that there is some transformation of consciousness that does SOMETHING, we dont know what. how does that happen to an individual? how to trigger it? 

since we hit an intellectual ceiling, we cant think our way there. what can we do? according to material i've read and listened to all you have to do is to be the observer for a long enough time. what I guess would increase the chances of a consciousness jump even more is destroying beliefs, that means not to focus on "what is this absolute nothingness, i have to understand it", but to focus on "what do i believe and dont know that i believe", question everything in other words. do you agree?

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@Viking Tell me honestly: are you under the impression that you do any of this?
Does it feel like you move your body? Do you think your thoughts?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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3 minutes ago, tsuki said:

@Viking Tell me honestly: are you under the impression that you do any of this?
Does it feel like you move your body? Do you think your thoughts?

no, obviously not, but the movement of thought writes whatever i wrote before and am writing now. it doesnt have to be "me" to act.

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1 minute ago, Viking said:

what does this concept "absolute nothingness" point to, and how do you know that it exists?

well, obviously you dont know if it exists, but lets be openminded and consider an option that there is some transformation of consciousness that does SOMETHING, we dont know what. how does that happen to an individual? how to trigger it? 

since we hit an intellectual ceiling, we cant think our way there. what can we do? according to material i've read and listened to all you have to do is to be the observer for a long enough time. what I guess would increase the chances of a consciousness jump even more is destroying beliefs, that means not to focus on "what is this absolute nothingness, i have to understand it", but to focus on "what do i believe and dont know that i believe", question everything in other words. do you agree?

I have almost been there, countless people have experienced it, it's more probable that it is real. But of course how it is experienced is far different from the concept of it. It can only be truly understood after experiencing it. But the ''i'' is not needed, existence can exist without the notion of an ''i'', it's just superficial language game. 

From my experiences, what absolute nothingness means is that the true nature of yourself is impersonal nothingness or emptiness, so much that you actually do not exist, you drown in the emptiness until you disappear then you become everything that is, at the end you stop identifying yourself as everything. Now only what IS is, alone.  You can trigger this by being the observer yes, you can also trigger it with other methods, like introspection, self-inquiry, neti-neti method, etc.

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4 hours ago, tsuki said:

When you look at a cup to examine it, you are not aware what is at the other side of the cup.

@tsuki When you look at a cup to examine it, you are not aware that it is the emptiness that makes the cup a cup.

A cup can be destroyed so it no longer exists. But the emptiness that made the cup will always remain.

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1 hour ago, cetus56 said:

When you look at a cup to examine it, you are not aware that it is the emptiness that makes the cup a cup.


Conscious awareness disregards and excludes. 

When the center “the part” is not, all “the whole” is center. 

Centerlessness, Timelessness,



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1 hour ago, cetus56 said:

When you look at a cup to examine it, you are not aware that it is the emptiness that makes the cup a cup.


Yes, there are always facets that are obstructed by the current 'intent', or 'context' that reality has.
Nothing about a cup makes it a cup. A cup is in relation to its possibility of emptiness.
There is nothing about the cup that's empty. I am the emptiness of a cup.

Not in the sense that 'I - this thing behind the eyes - think that this cup is empty' and without me the cup wouldn't be empty.
It is in the sense that I am literally the cup. Out there, not in here, behind the eyes
The thought 'cup' is superimposed with the 'physical' cup. It is 'obvious' that it is a cup.
It's 'cupness' is unoriginated. There is no need for 'word'-thought 'cup' to appear.
I don't even need to notice a cup for it to be a cup. There can be thirst, and a cup can be a cup.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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2 hours ago, Viking said:

no, obviously not, but the movement of thought writes whatever i wrote before and am writing now. it doesnt have to be "me" to act.

Then how do you understand the notion of progress? How do you even comprehend it at this level?
What would you compare it to? Are your memories yours? How are they different from fantasies/unoriginated thought-images?

I'm asking this in the context of your question about triggering the expansion of consciousness.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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