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meaning of the physical shade

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Today I wondered why my interest in movies dwindled and my interest in books and reading is so intense right now.

I realized that my interest in movies hasn't dwindled, and my interest in books was always there, I was merely focused more in the past on physically rendering movies as opposed to now physically rendering books and texts.

I know that my experience with reading right now is filling up and enriching my experience with watching movies, the same way my experience cleaning up my home is enriching my experience of eating food, everything is related and I realize that I'm living all of my experiences of my life right now

what happens in front of me right now, is a physical shade, a physical focus but it does not contain all that I'm doing, and it does not contain all of where I am

not all of life activities are contained right here in the physical focus, to do something in physical focus has meaning, but it does not contain all of our doing, better said being

we live our potential futures right now, our potential pasts, our events in the past, we live events in dreams that we don't remember

when we make a decision, we come across a point of different probably realities, whether you decide if you will buy new red curtains or new blue curtains, or if you will quit your job and start a new one or stay at your current one

we live those parallel realities, in a shade much more subtle and abstract then the physical shade, but we do live through them which is why making decisions can be so tedious

we decide to bring into physical focus one certain probable path, 

our locations are across time, across many places and events, right now

its very subtle at first, but we can feel this being that is across many shades

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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