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How to interpret dreams?

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How to identify the message of a dream and how to interpret correctly?

What sources do you use to interpret a dream? I, for example, use:

But I want to know more about it and what you think about it.


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My first therapist had me exploring my dreams a lot . Unfortunately there are no objective way to analyze a dream. Exploring the meaning of a dream is more of an art than a science. It's a trial-and-error task. Trying to follow a fixed formula is a dead end, becourse it can not capture the complexities of the individuals mind. All you can do is to try your best to explore whatever thoughts, feelings, memories etc that arise in conection to the dream. If you are lucky these can shine a little bit of light on some dark corner of your mind.


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I haven’t dreamed in so long there even wouldn’t be anything to analyze. 

I have been inquiring into this for a while now. If thought is decreased to a bare minimum and only applied to practical and non psychological purposes, ones mind is so quiet that there is no carryover into sleeping.

Our dreams seem to be but an extension of our daily flow of experiences that are not totally carried out and finished. As in there is an experiencing, but then we hold on th that experience and which causes projection. 

Edited by Faceless

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@Faceless My experience is that meditation cause longer, more vivid dreams. When I'm on retreat I have incredibly long and complex dreams. I have also heard other experienced meditators mention this. I know there are some research indicating that meditation increases the portion of the night you spend in REM, wich might explain this phenomenon.


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  On 5/13/2018 at 5:32 PM, Erlend K said:

@Faceless My experience is that meditation cause longer, more vivid dreams. When I'm on retreat I have incredibly long and complex dreams. I have also heard other experienced meditators mention this. I know there are some research indicating that meditation increases the portion of the night you spend in REM, wich might explain this phenomenon.

Hello friend:)

I have noticed your posts and I naturally take an interest in them. 

Yeah I assume you mean non concentrated meditation. And I see that that plays a significant role in this phenomena as well.

For me I can say that once psychological time stoped manifesting is when this began. For me it was dramatic and unsuspected. Also it has depended dramatically more and more as time continues to cease. 

Do you go through this as well? 


Edited by Faceless

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I don't really think dreams mean anything rather they are like a recreation of what we think and feel a bit like to prepeare the mind at least that is what i have observed from experience. If you think about something in a vivid way it will probably end up some way in the next dream. Especially if you do it right before falling asleep.

Edited by BjarkeT

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I got this from an ancient text i saved years ago which i found quite interesting.

While in your sleep/dream state, you choose which probably events you want to actualize into your physical daily life. you are anything but "inactive". you are highly active. During sleep, you process your daily activities, project it into what you think of as the future, choose events you wish to make physical and then begin the mental and physic processes that will bring them into the world of physicality. At the same time you make this information available to all other aspects of your self who dwell in entirely different realities and you receive from them comparable information. You can thus draw upon knowledge that belongs to these other independent selves. within this sympathetic relationship, much wisdom is gained and shared. you not only do this on an individual level but as a race you do it en masses on a national and global level, the world we see is a reflection of our inner reality. In a gigantic co-operative endeavor, all consciousness joins together to create the world you perceive. - I also experienced this similar knowledge on DMT experiences.


Dreams are comments on your life. Some dreams are simply a means of releasing pent-up tensions accumulated in your daily life. Other dreams are messages from your Soul/Higher-self. Most dreams are meant to tell you something that is important for you to know about yourself at that moment in your life. This is different from dream interpretation. Trying to interpret dreams from a limited 3D perspective only creates more confusion. Dream interpretation is an approach to understanding dreams from the limitations of a five sensory perspective. - Again my most intense, prophetic and vivid/lucid dreams and DMT experiences have given me similar clarity to this text.

Understanding dreams as messages from the soul is a multi-sensory approach to dreams. Dream interpretation is seeing dreams from the outside in. Understanding dreams as messages from the soul is understanding them from the inside out. That is significantly different.

How you utilize these extrasensory communications from your soul is up to you. If you fail to make any sense of your dreams, its because you believe that non exists.

Record your dream for 21 nights and you will see a patterns beginning to emerge. Look for the personal symbolism within each dream.

Hope this helps, it may be useful.



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