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EEG machine protocols, share yours!

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EEG machines aren't the be all and end all. Their use does not replace a good hardcore meditation session. It is not a good replacement for strong intuition or general common sense in interpreting subjective experiences, but they are still a good tool to use and they do have their advantages.

I have discovered, by using one for over a month, that an eeg machine is capable of improving one's meditation practice.

I'm going to make a website sometime in the future, dedicated specifically for sharing eeg machine experiences and training protocols as I have found that an eeg machine has its uses.


Before doing that, I was wondering of you guys have some good eeg training protocols, or know of any community dedicated to this?

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@Outer  16 channel is fine, but 8 channel works just as well. 16 channel is only required if you're doing very technically advanced things with eeg, stuff that would require years of study and practice.

here are some basic protocols:

These protocols don't work that well, and just out of a month of tweaking I made a protocol that works better for me.

That's why its valuable if we get a community together to try out different protocols and report on what works for them.

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