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Can Thought Change Reality?

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I found this great video about how the brain can be rewired to change the way we experience reality. It seems it has a lot to do with focusing the mind at an elevated level. I found this video interesting b-c when I experienced my first awakening there was a distinct shift that felt as if thought had come to a point of perfect focus or hyper focus. Hard to explain exactly but something distinctly shifted in awareness. I remember thinking to myself afterwards "Holy shit I never knew that was possible". It was as if something that had been dormant was suddenly awakened. So that's why I feel it's important to share this video with you guys. It's a bit long but well worth listening to. I'm going to start practicing "re-wiring" of the brain by putting total trust in the fact that the universe knows way more than I do and in the process dropping my old patterned views and expectations of how reality works so that the doors are wide open to all possibilities. So the question is, can we completely re-invent ourselves through our thoughts? I say, why not? For the most part I invented this "self" that I experience now. Why shouldn't I be able to re-invent it?


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We do create reality..,hehe

look around at what we have created??‍♂️

“RES” :)

Edited by Faceless

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10 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

I'm going to start practicing "re-wiring" of the brain by putting total trust in the fact that the universe knows way more than I do and in the process dropping my old patterned views and expectations of how reality works so that the doors are wide open to all possibilities. 

 I Recommend this to:)

Only I have no intention of rewiring. ? 

Edited by Faceless

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14 minutes ago, Faceless said:

We do create reality..,hehe

look around at what we have created??‍♂️

“RES” :)

@Faceless If you take 100 ppl none of them will have exactly the same experience of reality.

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5 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@Faceless If you take 100 ppl none of them will have exactly the same experience of reality.

I agree thought creates reality:)

But the commonality is experience. (Thought/reality) 

 unless there is a non experiencing. Hehe

Edited by Faceless

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Experience depends on thought. 

Undless thought/the thinker ceases. 

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1 minute ago, Faceless said:

Experience depends on thought. 

Undless thought/the thinker ceases. 

@Faceless That's a good thought!:)

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5 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Experience depends on thought. 

Undless thought/the thinker ceases. 

 That's the kind of thought that changes reality.

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1 hour ago, cetus56 said:


 That's the kind of thought that changes reality.

Only that perception doesn’t come from thought/thinker. The essence of the perception has its root in no-thing. Then thought sees it and utilizes thought/communication to carry out that communication. 

Edited by Faceless

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Thought carries out the communication. But the essence/perception is of no-thing

The Essence is still not communicated but may be if the one being communicated to clears consciousness of its conditioned content. Then there is no-thing in it and there is room for perception to come to.


Edited by Faceless

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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Faceless ??Thought can carry?


Expression through the structure of measure. 

Thats what thought is for. Pointer??

Edited by Faceless

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