
How To Quit Destructive Habits?

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@Rilles  Fair enough. Good for you! Every positive step is a step towards something more positive. Honestly though, does hearing people tell you how bad it is really change your mind? Maybe Google what cocaine does to your insides when you take it, watch a YouTube video, REALLY put yourself off. I know mine used to be the sound of my heart, I could here it thumping, this made me extremely extremely paranoid, the feel of it through my chest, oh god just imagining it now makes me quiver. Imagine all the stress your putting on your little heart ☹️ that's the way I thought. Also... I buried a good friend last year, he was a MASSIVE cocaine addict. I watched his life deteriote, his skin, his face he looked awful! Like a walking zombie. 

Sometimes brute force is very relevant, conscious brute force though ?

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Sorry to hear about your friend:(sometimes life shows you its ugly side so we know where we dont want to be i guess. 

I know its bad, I FEEL thats its bad, my body is so heavy the day after, obviously it is working hard to repair itself and it feels awful. I knew all this before I tried it, I wasnt even remotely interested in it until I did it ”Why do such a shitty drug when there are more or less safe ones you can do instead!” But I got offered and... you know the rest.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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On 5/13/2018 at 4:20 AM, Charlotte said:

?? I laughed to. 

@Rilles  I'm going to be honest here, years ago (around 3) I got with a bf and he introduced me to cocaine. It turned into a habit every weekend. It became addictive, literally. The morning after doing it I felt a horrible gut feeling of "this isn't me, this isn't right" but I continued to do so even with that feeling. It was telling me something and I was ignoring it to get my fix at the weekend. I understand how hard it can be to get unstuck once you've gone so far down that path BUT if you continue to go down the 'coke path' let's call it you will ruin your entire life. I can guarantee that. 

What do you feel you are missing in your life by doing cocaine? Are you bored? Are you unhappy? Get as far away as you can from your 'friends' they are not going to serve you in any positive way whatsoever. Introduce different creative habits on the nights you would usually go out. For me, I choose to leave him, it was the only way to 'unfuck' myself and since then I've changed DRASTICALLY. Let your friends go and watch the person you will transform into. When you feel any sort of resistance, accept it and surrender to it. Be conscious of it, it will pass. I wish you sooooo much luck and I'm here supporting you a million percent along your way. 

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That was beautiful!

Much love ❤️?

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