
Does meditation really work or is it just the Placebo effect?

51 posts in this topic

8 minutes ago, moon777light said:

is increasing grey matter of the brain placebo to you? :D 

The point in this case is the placebo can go in two different directions , concentration meditation does make for better concentration of thought which may increase grey matter or what ever. But concentration meditation can also have negative effects if one is using that form of meditation to bring about psychological harmony. And when one is psychological unhealthy that to can cause perhaps a harful physical effect in brain and other areas of body. 

The point is to understand what you are attempting to do. Be aware of your intention/motive.

I used concentration meditation and still do to concentrate thought in a specif direction. But when it comes to seeing what is it has no place. 

Do you see the difference:)

Edited by Faceless

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8 minutes ago, BjarkeT said:

@SgtPepper i am asking for scientific research related to studys done on if meditation is placebo or not if there is any real difference between the two. It seems like that study is just on the effect of meditation not the difference between meditation and the placebo effect


This study is the first to demonstrate that mindfulness-related pain relief is mechanistically distinct from placebo analgesia. The elucidation of this distinction confirms the existence of multiple, cognitively driven, supraspinal mechanisms for pain modulation.


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5 minutes ago, Faceless said:

But concentration meditation can also have negative effects of one is using that form of meditation to bring about psychological harmony. And when one is psychological unhealthy that to can cause perhaps a hatful physical effect. 

yes, very important!!

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@BjarkeT if your not looking for anecdotal evidence / personal first hand experiences, but for scientific evidence, then you can easily do some research yourself. and there is a lot! I've attended a lecture not long ago where numerous studies have been presented. unfortunately I don't have access to the presentation. if you have fun researching try typing yoga, mediation or awareness into I'd consider that a quite reliable source :)

whatever arises, love that

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placebo really does work

this is a joke thread! 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodo I am not saying it doesn't work in fact this thread isn't even about if placebo works or not. But you where probably being sarcastic or wrote placebo instead of meditation or you where trying to imply something? And what you said below wasn't very nice to say. And didn't add to the conversation either.

Edited by BjarkeT

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15 minutes ago, BjarkeT said:

@Dodo I am not saying it doesn't work in fact this thread isn't even about if placebo works or not. But you where probably being sarcastic or wrote placebo instead of meditation or you where trying to imply something? And what you said below wasn't very nice to say. And didn't add to the conversation either.

Well obviously placebo does work if people are getting cured due to placebo. It's a fact now.

"Just placebo" statements make me aggro

I do apologize 

Who cares if it's "fake" or not, if it works? What's important is the result, not how it was achieved right? 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodo thanks for the apology. One of the things with the placebo effect is that the effect fades away where if you have taken a real solution it may have been more permanent so deepening on what kind or results you are looking for it matters what you are doing to achieve the results to make sure you get the best benefits from doing what's required. I recommend watching a video from ted that i have linked on the thread earlier which talk about the placebo effect 

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5 minutes ago, BjarkeT said:

@Dodo thanks for the apology. One of the things with the placebo effect is that it the effect fades away where if you have taken a real solution it may have been more permanent I recommend watching a video from ted that i have linked on the thread earlier which talk about the placebo effect 

Ok, in any way, apart from my placebo objection, meditation is not a placebo, it is scientifically proven to change the "physical" structure of the brain. Anything we do changes us, meditation is the absence of doing, which changes us in unique way, perhaps allowing the Universe to work on us better. 

More importantly, it creates(or reveals)  Space in actual experience. It can be easily proven that meditation works if you do meditation. 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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