
Anyone here enlightened?

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So many threads, so many words, so much experimentation with psychedelics, so many tips on gurus to follow, so much meditation and self enquiry! 

But tell me, anyone here fully enlightened?

Anyone here that claim to be enlightened? 

Leo is great, but still never arrive it seems, always experience some total New and mindblowing stuff that outshine all prior experiences and Then shoot another episod with the same words over and over again - "it's infinite", "full circle" "no difference beteen life and death" and in the end he admit he's not enlightened yet, But This was by far, by far the deepest shit he had experienced so far. And Then it goes on repeat, few weeks later he experience yet again the deepest shit ever, and Then yet again an episode of "full circle" and "it's all one" But still - surprise surprise - he is not enlightened yet! 

All truth in the world adds up to one big lie!

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Its important to point this out as my own perspective and assumption:

I think the drug use has back fired on Leo, he seems to be seeking a drug induced state whilst he's enlightened.

I might be wrong but he seems to be equating being enlightened to be the same as tripping on 5-meo.

The normal state is an awakened state, but people are blind to it, they don't want normal, they want tripping balls.

Not suprised why all the top Guru's are not drug fans, from Sadhguru to Eckhart, to Rupert.

Drug use can make you seek drug induced states leaving you desiring much than your average sober experienece.

Leo said himself he has a problem with "boredom", totally blew his shit off with all the mystical experiences on drugs.

Let's face it awareness is not tied to your drug use, awareness is awareness, the brain is a receptor to awareness, when you use drugs you're causing all sort of chemical and chaos in your brian which AWARENESS IS AWARE OF, hence the CHAOS experiences.

Leo was already supposed to be Enlightened in his lastest video before the 30 day meditation you can see he's still clearly seeking. I think he's also way too conceptual, he wants to work it all out logically and understand it, and explain it which you can't.

Hence the full circle.

Ace soundtrack tho :D


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Some may be or at least have had Enlightenment experiences but I believe the true enlightened ones do not speak or teach but simply lead/live by example of being in itself. Soon as you reform(shall we say) we must harness ego again in order to connect/share or be a part of this reality ect...

When i became Enlightened(so to speak) i could not speak/share/connect with anyone or anything for few to several months, it was like there was no one in the universe but me, which indeed is correct but in order to grow further i remembered why we incarnated in the first place, to forget, to experience ego and separation in order to grow and learn without always "knowing" and always having access to source-self/infinite intelligence.

We continuously choose to forget in order to remember again for a greater, divine purpose. We as physical beings cannot grasp a quantum understanding in this state but in the formless we can, although if we are able to grasp then it would be pointless being here at all.

I chose to Awaken naturally and with Psychedelics to master both ways/worlds and now i am in more of a balance of both as ultimately there are not right or wrongs but i am starting to be re-directed back to the natural once again. Yes i will still use psychedelics from time to time as it seems i still have a few puzzles to solve/experience there but i cannot seem to complete them unless i re-align more naturally first it seems.

Psychedelics only seem to show you what you already know within but with more of a (forced) approach/Emergency Getaway but it never solves the greater puzzle as clearly and as permanently as a natural awakening and if you aren't energetically evolved and mature it does tend to backfire.

This is how i see it, from my experience and understanding.


Edited by pluto


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to add:

I can usually enter samadhi/no self through regular meditation and thats the end of the road for me, theres no going beyond that state.

I'm just trying understand how to incorperate those experiences in other facets of life and functioning as a human doing everyday stuff.

But i think it's doing something to my brain in terms of neuroplasticity. It's weird but its like you can sense/feel rewiring.

I'd never call myself enlightened tho, seems like a sham to say that, if my true self is the no self, and everything in my experience is forever changing, what is that is that is enlightened? it's nothingness, I cannot center it or pinpoint it.

I don't listen to any guru's or people who claim directly to be enlightened, indirectly to explain something is fine though. (The same way I don't put rotten food into my mouth, don't want to catch diseases and have mental diarrhea).

There are a lot of scammers out there and they won't hesistate to touch the spiritual world, and theres also a lot delusional mentally handicapped people, not all brains work equally, but consciousness does, consciousness doesn't speak, it is the what it is in it's own entirety.

And the lastest samahdi movie made a lot of sense to me when it said "strictly speaking, there is no enligthened people, only enlightened activity".

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1 hour ago, MarkusSweden said:


Leo is great, but still never arrive it seems, always experience some total New and mindblowing stuff that outshine all prior experiences

If anything that should tell you the depth of what we're doing here. Why would you claim "I'm enlightened!" when even after you feel enlightened you're discovering more? 

"I'm even MORE enlightened than before!", 2 months later --- "Omg guys, I'm even MORE enlightened than before, 2 months ago, that was nothing compared to now." (although I guess he has been subtley doing this lol)

see the game here? he's on a never ending investigation. He's not gonna rest on his laurels and say "Oh that's it, there's no possible way this can go deeper, I'm just gonna stop right here." lol 


Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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@blazed And the lastest samahdi movie made a lot of sense to me when it said "strictly speaking, there is no enligthened people, only enlightened activity".



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@MarkusSweden There’s only the one way to find out.  Otherwise, you’re looking to whos for the truth, and there aren’t any. Sounds like you’re at that place where the remaining questions are few and all leading to finding out. 

@blazed That ‘rewiring of the brain’ you referred to, pretty intensly all encompassing on a hero’s dose. It’s referred to as the ‘breakthrough’ for a great reason.  I think you’d love it man. Not to imply anyone needs it or anything. 

@pluto @blazed Just watched that yesterday. Thought it was great.  That quote really hits the natural of the joke. Lol. 




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3 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

So many threads, so many words, so much experimentation with psychedelics, so many tips on gurus to follow, so much meditation and self enquiry! 

But tell me, anyone here fully enlightened?

Anyone here that claim to be enlightened?

Yes, enlightenment happened in 2005.

I summarize here -


Eric Putkonen - stopped blogging and now do videos on YouTube -

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Well, I don’t really see enlightenment as an on or off switch. It’s more of a spectrum, where it can start with one major enlightenment experiences and becoming more and more enlightened as the days go on. 

I empathize though with Leo’s repetition, despite me also feeling like he can drone on about it too much. What makes self inquiry so hard is not how complex the ideas are, but how repetitive it is to do it. It’s basically trying to do the same thing over and over — but for different areas of your life. That’s why different examples and analogies help — so the same theoretical perspectives can get applied to new practical areas.

I’d say there’s a lot of benefit in seeing life more clearly the more enlightenment experiences I have, and I’m starting to enjoy the fact that there’s no such thing as a full enlightenment. That means there would always be something new to figure out along the way and have pleasure in discovering.



“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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3 hours ago, eputkonen said:

Yes, enlightenment happened in 2005.

I summarize here -


Cool, thanks bro! You went straight to the question "Anyone here enlightened?" and answer it in a single "Yes" 

Thanks for sharing the link! 

Have a great weekend! 


Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Well I had an enlightening experience that lasted a couple of weeks. Somethings like having a much much quieter mind persisted. Everything being almost overwhelmingly beautiful didn't, though that's likely for the best as I don't think I would have been able to function in my job in that state. If your wondering I have a new job now as the experience made me reevaluate everything in my life.

The seeing beauty aspect was linked to an amazing clarity in my vision. Needed less sleep during the period and felt an immense connection with the energy of the earth.

It wasn't all good though. I was greedy during this period and tried some psychedelics and this triggered something - feeling of different presences and sometimes negative energies. I don't know what was real or something made up in that period, lots of weird things happened. I regret wanting more when I had so much already. After this period I crashed, I think I broke something. But I'm slowly recovering, the circumstances of the whole thing make me feel it was something that was maybe supposed to happen. A lesson i was meant to learn. Now I'm simply putting the work in, without expecting anything - if I'm honest I am still hoping to reach that awareness I experienced but I try to appreciate more what I have and not chase some state. And no more short cuts for me. 

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i think Leo is very very very close. Like someone stated above, a true enlightened person doesnt "teach" in the way we are used to, but teaches instead by just living and being an example. Leo stated in his latest blog post and video that the last hawaii retreat made him think about whether he should continue or not. This is a step up. I think a good sign of his enlightenment would be him quitting the online persona altogether. Although i am thankful he didnt, i really want to see his videos on chakras and healing :P 

He is trying to define the undefinable and display it in a way that doesnt make him look like a new age obbsessed person, so his "mind" will get in the way. 

Edited by moon777light

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26 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@NoSelfSelf Kérjük, használjon angolul a fórum irányelveit. ❤️

You're from Croatia Nahm? ❤️?

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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