
Do You Believe In Reincarnation?

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This is all way past time and space. If reincarnation 'does' exist, time and space would be a huge part of what is returned to. Look at the picture that Leo presented yesterday. The see'er should be on the outside, looking in, at time and space.


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@cetus56 There is no after/before thing :) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Its a process.. and it can vary from person to person depending on each persons life situation.

In my case there were several very profound spiritual experiences.

After that strong emotional healing and liberation. Deep realization and remembering also happend during this time.

It takes time for the our mind to process and understand everything that happens. Very beautiful.  

You eventually come full circle. Deep peace comes from accepting what IS. You understand and accept the impermanence of everything, so you let go and stop trying to control everything, including your own state of mind.

You understand, accept and love yourself completly, everything that you are. You find balance.

I actually wrote everything down. It helped me understand everything that was going on.

I had no Master or Guru..

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15 minutes ago, Galyna said:

@werlight Thank you for your feedback, however, movement can not exist separately from time: in order for movement to happen, it has to have point a and point b, space per se.  Albert Einstein called it space-time, they go in bundle and are not separable.

My point of view on the whole reincarnation thing is that there are only two states of being. - Well, Unity by default, can not have any other states. It is Unity.

When we are pure awareness we can either stay in pure awareness or take form again.- Again, by default you are assuming that there is time and choice for someone to make. 

We decide. What do you mean "we"? 

@Galyna Hi ! 

I also love physics. Einstein referred to space as space/time to explain the distortions generated by matter in the “fabric” of space and the time dilations resulting from those distortions. Basic General Relativity.

However Einstein or any other scientist for that matter could never prove the existence of TIME as a thing in our universe.

Scientists are starting to understand that time does not actually exist as a THING. It is rather a consequence of how we perceive the movement of objects in space. The time dilations are the result the distortion of space itself not TIME. I hope you like this video..



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@Galyna on your second point .. if you look at what I said ..

"my point of view on the whole reincarnation thing is that there are only two states of being. One were we are now (in form) and the other is where we came from and where we are going (as pure awareness). But we are always part of what IS and therefore always One. Its just that in Form we "seem to be" separate." you can see I agree with you: "But we are always part of what IS and therefore always One"

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as to you third and fourth points .. words get tricky and concepts even more tricky .. but basically when your phisical form dies your essence remains as pure awarness, fully aware of what it is and who it is in essence... your essential eternal awarness.. and that IS who decides to become form..

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Thank you for the video, I will watch it now :) 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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10 minutes ago, Galyna said:


Thank you for the video, I will watch it now :) 

Love you Beautiful ..

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@Galyna Please read, reread and think carefully. If you want to understand reincarnation, you must know the law of nature which is CAUSE & EFFECT. For example, The smell of a roasted chicken or whatever you like comes into you nose. Suddenly, the smelling sense pops up. You didn't aware of when it comes up. Because of that, it naturally produce (React) generation thought, such as "what is that smell?" and "yummy" and "I want it" or etc... Say all of those thoughts came up. Are they the same? Do you think the first sense of "smelling" and the thought "What is that smell?" are the same? And are they the same with the thought "I want it"?

With awareness, you will be able to see that they are not. As soon as first thought is gone, the second thought comes up. And as soon as the second gone, the third comes up. No two thoughts come up at the same time within your awareness. That's how they are happening. That's reincarnation. You are reincarnating every minute and second. Not only when you body's buried under ground. The first thought is always supporting the second thought. Ex: a cell produced daughter cell. First cell is not second cell and second is not first. But they are similar. However, the very first cell and the one-hundredth cell may not be as similar as the first and second. It might be changed depending on external surroundings. It goes the same with your thoughts. The first thought is very similar to the second thought but they are not the same. Actually, whatever that is happening in the nature is happening to you. Both physically and mentally. It just that people don't aware of it. Another thing is most people think they are something special. So they think they have a little different functions. Many think their body and mind is just so unique and there must be someone unique and special who created it. :) Well, it is just funny after all. Remember? we are part of nature.

 What is time anyway? If you don't exist, will you die? Or have a past life? If there is no present, will there be the past or future? Present exists because things keep existing. Past exists because everything that happened are disappearing away. Time never stop, means things never stop changing. (Changing = Reincarnation) = (Death & birth). Karma = Action = Reaction.


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Dear Khin, :)

First of all, I have already read similar ideas to yours in another sources of information. Do I have to agree with it? Not necessarily. ;)

After pondering and reading about cause&effect theme, I came to a conclusion that it is an element of human psyche. It is a survival mechanism of our consciousness. Would we survive in chaos? No. We have to live in illusion of predetermined order, so deception with, so called, past/present/future could exist in the first place.

Past exists because everything that happened are disappearing away. Time never stop, means things never stop changing. (Changing = Reincarnation) = (Death & birth). Karma = Action = Reaction.

Past exists only in your current thoughts, as well as future does. Not need to believe here, try to find past on your own? What is it? A place? An object? A point of reference?

Thank you. :)



"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna Sorry, if my explanation wasn't clear and of course you really don't need to believe me or trust me here. :) I just want you to think about it in curiosity like what the hell does that mean. (That doesn't even mean you have to) 9_9

In most of us mind Past exists. But if we look at it, it doesn't. Past is equal to as Death or none existence. Like it pops up and disappears. That's the past I meant. Your thoughts, they are never the same. Every time you think about the past, that's a new thought. Your thinking is different from actual experience and those thoughts are different from each other. Can you find the past? NO! By looking into past, all you will have is thought. Not the actual one.

I used to mention about noticing thoughts and actions. Because........ I want you to see your thoughts disappearing.  Your feelings, senses, they all disappear. You will see NOTHING left. Cause and effect I meant here is not related to consciousness or survival instinct or maybe but you don't need to think about them. It is very simple. Ex: to have a sense of hearing, sound frequency must hit your ear drums. The sound frequency must hit strong enough to hear and your eardrums must be working properly. The cause of sound is because two objects hit each other. The sound pops up as an effect. The cause of hearing sense is because eardrums and sound frequency waves hit each other. The hearing sense comes up as an effect. That was all I meant.

So when you hear a sound, that sense disappears right away. All you will left with is thought of that sense. We call that "PAST." It already past means, it is gone. You will fully understand it in actual experience. So to understand, you must notice as feelings and senses comes up naturally and notice when it disappear with 'Do nothing' technique. Leo called it do nothing because he didn't want you to put the word "I" creating those thoughts or feelings. This understanding reincarnation thing is totally relating to Enlightenment.

Before you are enlightened, everything you are seeing is reality. See it as they come up naturally and disappear naturally. Please don't over think about higher-self or lower-self or consciousness or unconsciousness or ego or etc....

You taking my words or believing it or trusting me, nothing matter. You will think just the way you will.


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17 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@werlight What happens after we realize who we are? After our awakening.

@cetus56 complementing what I said before.. this is exactly what I wrote about my experienced after awakening..

This is what is feels like .. and it's just a small taste of what it really is:

Everything seems alive, full of magic and absolutely beautiful. Your joy for life is so big that you just couldn't stop smiling. The present moment becomes so sweet that you are no longer concerned about the future. Fear and sadness disappear, and are replaced with compassion, joy and light. A light of love and compassion turns on somewhere inside your head and in my heart and from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed you remain in a continuous state of grace. Being and interacting with people becomes absolutely amazing and your body, and in particular your head will seem to radiate what feels like an energy of pure light

You realize that everything, from the biggest star to the smallest particle of dust is a gift of love to us and you become aware of the absolute beauty and perfection of everything around you.

You realize that paradise had always been in front of you. You realize that all the beauty, love and joy you will ever need is already inside you so you stop searching for any of these things outside. You feel complete. There is nothing left to desire so all your desires slowly disappear. The only desire you will have left is a deep desire to be present, a desire to enjoy the amazing beauty of everything around you.

You fall in love with yourself and you fall in love with life. You fall in love with what IS.

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@werlight Yes, totally.  "Everything is exactly as it should be in this very moment". That has become my mantra. I also became aware that nothingness surrounds the space of existence at all times. Whatever happens within this space is absorbed directly into that surrounding space. I talk about it in a dualistic way but in truth they are one seamless space. Sometimes after meditation the presence of nothingness is so obvious that it feels like I could almost scoop it out of the surrounding environment. Yesterday morning when a had the experience of pure love, It felt like the top of my head was buzzing it was so strong. Very powerful! I  I must have tapped directly into the love frequency. Amazing!

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@werlight Oh yea, On my question about "what happens after awakening?" I felt like I wanted to share this awareness with everyone I know. But I usually don't. Not everyone. It would be beautiful if everyone could experience this. There would no such word as enlightenment because everyone would be awakened.

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@cetus56 great to be able to share this with someone who understands ..

This is what happened ( at least the best way I can find to describe in words ) during my awakening.. I wrote this down immediatly after ...

- - - -

" I had an unusually strong urge to mediate and my mind was very clear and still. I sat down and closed my eyes. A few minutes later my whole body was vibrating in love. I could feel waves of energy coming out of my body and light surrounded me completely. I was becoming pure light. Words flowed from my deepest awareness, as light shined brighter than ever before.

“ joy, completeness, full awareness, light, everything comes from within ..

the light that shines from within is me I AM. I AM. I AM. no more disconnection, no more separation forever together from the beginning and through the blissful timeless ages.. in full awareness.

i shine the light of my self.”

I lost track of time, but eventually the light subsided and tears fell from my eyes. I knew. I had experienced my essence, my deepest self. I had remembered who I AM

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@werlight You got a good dose there brother! As they say in Zen. It doesn't trickle out of the bucket. It's as if the bottom fell out and it all comes rushing out at one time......

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17 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@werlight You got a good dose there brother! As they say in Zen. It doesn't trickle out of the bucket. It's as if the bottom fell out and it all comes rushing out at one time......

jaja .. exactly ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

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@werlight  You had lots of Guru`s during your life my friend, the first one being your mother...:x

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Yesterday I suddenly experienced deep, pure love, I could feel the total consciousness of all humanity. One consciousness. All of it! I was joyous, I was humbled, I was sad, I was hopeful, I was awestruck, ect... I was seeing through the eyes of pure , love at the totality of our species as one collective conscionceness. I can feel that buzz around my head just talking about it. I got the love buzz! lol

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