
Do You Believe In Reincarnation?

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After adoptiong the idea of enlightment, i started doubted my beliefs about reincarnation.

Because from my view, becoming enlightned means that you are going back straight to the source.

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'You' are the source manifesting/ experiencing itself through and as an object form of the physical body.

Edited by Natasha

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14 hours ago, AngeArthur said:

After adoptiong the idea of enlightment, i started doubted my beliefs about reincarnation.

Alan Watts once put it in the following way: "How does it feel to go to sleep and never wake up?" and "How does it feel to wake up after never having gone to sleep?" If you contemplate these questions very deeply they say the same thing. So as you will die someday and your ego will go to sleep for ever some other person will wake up and as we are everything in this universe you will just look through the eyes of another one.

Also keep in mind that these eyes could be eyes in a complete other dimension, other planet, other species whatsoever. Nature is so stunning that it wouldn't surprise me if there are even games and cycles involved in living and dying.

Maybe, all of this is just bullshit and wrong. From a logical point it can make sense (as it does for me). But what is most important for this topic to see is that you are a part of nature. And we are born as a part of it and you go as a part of it. And so you can just feel save as nature knows exactly what to do in every situation. If you realize that you can loose a lot of fear of death.

Interesting topic :)

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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I think what the Buddha meant was the constant Ego-Activity popping up endlessly. Example, you catch a glimpse of Enlightenment, then the Ego comes back and you are in Samsara/Illusion of Self again. So when Buddha entered Nirvana, he could see with clarity how his Egoic Mind kept "Reincarnating" before Awakening.

Edited by Lha Bho

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

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@AngeArthur You do not go anywhere. You will let everything go...

As long as you are holding on, you will move on. When you let go, you have nothing to hold on and you will finally stop move on.

Reincarnation is not what everyone thinks. It's very simple so everyone overlooked it. It is happening every minute and every second.

Edited by Khin
Adding as usual.

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I'm not sure what to believe about reincarnation. Who really knows. One the one hand, maybe consciousness returns to it's original source and just recycles back as pure consciousness into some other life form. There is a lot out there to this universe for consciousness to occupy. Or maybe consciousness is just a product of existence and when the body dies, consciousness is finished also and it all ends there.  But on the other hand, maybe there is an essence or spirit self or soul, or divine self that returns to the manifest realm to do more work. Some believe that enlightened teachers are very old souls that have reincarnated many times before. When we pass on could that divine self enter into a higher realm, and from there decide to either move into infinite bliss and vanish, or return to existence to do more work? Why do I have a feeling if that is the case, my divinity would choose to return to this raw existence instead of moving into the infinite bliss of nothingness?  I'm experiencing something very deeply at this very moment, something that I know extends much farther than this existence, divinity. Tears are suddenly pouring from my eyes for all of humanity.  I love you all

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@cetus56 The reason we all return to form is because we want to share the beauty that what we are.

We dont return because we need to. We are complete.

But our nature IS love, and loves nature is to share (give)

We cant share ourselves with ourselves while we are One. So we create the ilusion of separation.

And we hide ourselves from ourselves with the only purpose of finding ourselves again in absolute beauty and become aware of our Oneness again.

Finding ourselves IS our gift of love to us. It is the gift we decided to give ourselves.

Thats why we return..

Edited by werlight

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@werlight  I agree. There exists in my heart what words could never describe. That is all I know at this moment. Thank you

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4 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@werlight  I agree. There exists in my heart what words could never describe. That is all I know at this moment. Thank you

@cetus56 sorry i was not so poetic.. but i wanted you to understand.. anyway.. the beauty of this is undescribable with words, you have to remember it and experince it to understand it .. but something tells me you understand.

Edited by werlight

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@werlight I know. It's all good. We share a space that is totally humbling. You know what I mean.

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Pure love bought me to my knees...........

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and then you cried in joy .. and it has stayed with you ever since.

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Only this moment matters. That's all we need to see

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Guys, I have a question for you....

How is it possible for reincarnation to happen if time is only illusion. For reincarnation to happen it should be past and future. 

There is no past, present and future, time is illusion, look at it from this perspective now. what do you see? 

@AngeArthur @Khin @cetus56 @werlight

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna I agree with you. Time does not exist. It is only an ilusion created by movement. But movement does exist and movement is what creates change (like growing old and stuff).

My point of view on the whole reincarnation thing is that there are only two states of being. One were we are now (in form) and the other is where we came from and where we are going (as pure awareness). But we are always part of what IS and therefore always One. Its just that in Form we "seem to be" separate.

When we are pure awareness we can either stay in pure awarness or take form again. It really up to us. We decide. As I mentioned before, we dont come here out of need or to learn something. We are complete and we are One. We dont need anything. The only reason we come back is to give ourselves the gift of realization of ( remembering ) who we ARE.

The only thing that goes and the only thing that returns is who we are in essence. Pure awareness. Nothing else.

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@werlight Thank you for your feedback, however, movement can not exist separately from time: in order for movement to happen, it has to have point a and point b, space per se.  Albert Einstein called it space-time, they go in bundle and are not separable. 

My point of view on the whole reincarnation thing is that there are only two states of being. - Well, Unity by default, is a set of everything. 

When we are pure awareness we can either stay in pure awareness or take form again.- Again, you are assuming that there is time and choice for someone to make. 

We decide. What do you mean "we"? 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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