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Stuck in the middle?

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Hi, I desire the most mature way to go about this. 


I have a best friend that I share everything with. He recently got a boyfriend and I got close to both people. I find out that my best friend has been having sex with other guys and I find out that the other guy has been on a date with a guy (this one is  a minor date but still).  I'm scared to say anything because I don't want to lose their trust.  In a sense I am hiding this from both people. I am trying to have a healthy relationship with both people by keeping secrets, but by keeping secrets, I am essentially hiding things from both people. I am 99% sure that they will not break up because they are very attached to each other so I am scared to say anything because both people will get angry with me and I will lose their trust and ability to tell me things. What do I do? 

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Yeah I've been in similar situations. It sucks but it's not your job to rescue their relationship. Don't let them make you feel guilty, they have to take responsibility for the fact that they are lying to their partner and wanted you to cover for them.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Thanks for the response. 

the problem is that my best friend and his boyfriend both trust me and tell me their secrets. Problem is I feel obligated to tell the other person what is going on because they both my good friends! 

And they both get angry at me for not telling me whats going on with the other person!

"you knew and didnt tell me?? Thought we were friends!" 

but im just trying to keep secrets :(

and if I dont keep the secrets, then nobody will trust me with the secrets... it seems lose-lose from every angle 


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Im in a dilemma, if I give away person A's secret to person B, Person A will get mad at me and possibly cut me off. If I dont tell person A,s secret, and person B finds out somehow later that I knew and didnt tell him, he will get mad at me! Theres no winning. Sorry I just dont know what to do. I want to know NO MORE secrets 

It's like they expect me to keep their secrets but at the same time to not keep other peoples secrets. its a double standard 

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