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Gary Legge

Talabya kriya

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So in the kriya book in later lessons they say to do 50 sets of talabya kriya which adds up to 500 tongue raises and 50 tongu stretches! Is this correct? Because it seems like an awful lot 

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No, the book says you should start with 10 repetitions and with practice move on towards 50. One repetition is not a set of 10 tounge raises, but of one. So basically what you wanna do is raise your tounge fifty times and stretch it every 10 times (five in total).

Edited by DnoReally



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do you guys feel the stretch in the frenulum? after a few weeks of practice i started to feel more the strain on my tongue from using the muscle instead of the stretching of the frenulum.

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I don’t understand the whole suction thingy. Anyone else have this problem or is google the go?

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