
The difference between being enlightened and having positive beliefs on happiness

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Hey Guys,


I have heard leo mention before that the only way to get true peace and happiness is through the death of ones ego. I was curious though as to the happiness levels of people that have reprogrammed their subconscious minds(or perhaps were raised in an environment which naturally lead to such beliefs) to have positive, uplifting and empowering beliefs about themselves and the world.  Even if these people tell you they are happy and truly believe they are happy, are they not in fact happy? Or rather is their level of happiness not what it COULD be if they were to kill their egos and become enlightened?

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there is NO such thing as "ego" to be killed.

we are Life Itself.

unborn Truth

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32 minutes ago, BestSelf said:

Or rather is their level of happiness not what it COULD be if they were to kill their egos and become enlightened?

Yes. Omg yes. There is the peak happiness of a human, and then there is nothing. Happy is human - maya. Enormous difference, if I’m understanding your inquiry. But yeah, I’m with @ajasatya , drop the kill the ego thing. The peace people seek is what they already are, and it’s not what you think it is. The “ego” is what’s been added to it, unknowingly, and entirely through thinking & beliefs, assumptions & misconceptions. Look for dualities that you hold like these people & these people, good & bad, alive & dead, I like hamburgers & I don’t like hot dogs - pick them apart - they are preferences that are identified with, but that is a description, not an identity.

What a mindfuck though. You unravel what you completely think “BestSelf” is. 

You can’t be a thought, if you’re what is aware of the thought

So whatever you think you are, you’re not that. 

You don’t even know if other people are real or not. 

Good. Luck. 

                    “Love & Light”





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You can think of ego as your fear-based mental programming. The essence of this being that you are a separate entity that must cling and struggle to survive.

Part of this is just basic social conditioning, but part of this is also due to negative experiences growing up.

Let's say someone in your family is killed by a member of a different race. The pain of that death might cause your family to react negatively and form a mental separation against that race. It's now "us vs them" instead of just "us".

Or take the example of someone who had really negative social experiences growing up. Because they never felt accepted and part of the group, they grow up feeling separated. They feel like an "outsider" and may even develop negative beliefs like "people can't be trusted".

So heavy identification with ego is in many ways just compensation. It's not a coincidence that people who are attracted to the spiritual community usually have deep wounds that need healing.

Conversely, I've found that people with really positive experiences growing up tend not to create so many serious mental separations. They feel accepted and part of the whole. They feel love for everyone.

Love is the natural state. I like to say that sometimes awakening just feels like you're becoming "normal" for the first time. And so I definitely think it's possible that people with positive experiences growing up can be happy. They never had to heavily identify with ego.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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10 hours ago, aurum said:


You can think of ego as your fear-based mental programming. The essence of this being that you are a separate entity that must cling and struggle to survive.

Part of this is just basic social conditioning, but part of this is also due to negative experiences growing up.

Let's say someone in your family is killed by a member of a different race. The pain of that death might cause your family to react negatively and form a mental separation against that race. It's now "us vs them" instead of just "us".

Or take the example of someone who had really negative social experiences growing up. Because they never felt accepted and part of the group, they grow up feeling separated. They feel like an "outsider" and may even develop negative beliefs like "people can't be trusted".

So heavy identification with ego is in many ways just compensation. It's not a coincidence that people who are attracted to the spiritual community usually have deep wounds that need healing.

Conversely, I've found that people with really positive experiences growing up tend not to create so many serious mental separations. They feel accepted and part of the whole. They feel love for everyone.

Love is the natural state. I like to say that sometimes awakening just feels like you're becoming "normal" for the first time. And so I definitely think it's possible that people with positive experiences growing up can be happy. They never had to heavily identify with ego.


Cool, great insight!

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I've made myself this question before.

Enlightenment VS Self-actualization strategically to live as a persona with ego in the most happy way.

this strategies would include for example:

-keeping a dopamine level, and  receptors sane.

-for appreciating happiness we need to experience sadness (relative appreciation)

-remember the beautiful gift of life-> exercise-> lets pretend we are dead, observe the darkness, accept that you'll never see with this eyes, will never see animals, nature, colous, sounds, textures, flavor. You are sad right? Open your eyes. You are alive! appreciate this gift.

-live with gratitude every day.

-Dont take things for guaranteed.

-practice zero attachment to things, people and places-> true freedom.

-view bad events as learning lessons and welcome them.

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@Moreira Very cool perspective! Thanks for sharing!

Edited by BestSelf

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The ultimate power lies in being completely active in serving others and society and br completely detach from it. 

That way beliefs and self development goes hand in hand with enlightenment. 

Enlightenment is not one side of the spectrum ?

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@aurum what other types of people would be attracted to spirituality ?

Do you think it might even be possible to get into spirituality any other way than wanting to heal a wound ?

Is it that it always has a negative component to it at first? 

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11 hours ago, sarapr said:

@aurum what other types of people would be attracted to spirituality ?

Do you think it might even be possible to get into spirituality any other way than wanting to heal a wound ?

Is it that it always has a negative component to it at first? 

From what I've seen, yes. It's always about a wound.

But be careful. It's tempting when you here that to think "wow that's fucked up" or believe that something has "gone wrong" with you or anyone else.


You chose for that to happen. That wound is ironically your way to waking up. The dark energy builds until you decide to let it go.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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