
Really need help.

7 posts in this topic

Hi there,

I'd say I have a fairly healthy view of relationships.

However, there is something very minor that I just don't know how to go about.

I messaged my girlfriend a funny picture of myself. She didn't reply but saw it.

I am gonna be honest, this bothers just a little. (Makes me feel unvalued, rejected etc) 

I'd usually just be like 'Oh okay, whether she replies or not I don't care, external things don't affect my happiness' etc etc.

But is it something I bring up with her?

Do I just ignore it and bottle up how I actually feel? 

It seems so minor that I should just not say anything and act like it was okay. 

I start thinking, what if one of her friends messaged her - she'd probably reply. (Which I don't know)

I know that the underlining thing is that even if she did reply this wouldn't solve the problem, but I'm stuck.

How do I tackle this issue? Bringing it up or feel the burn of no reply? I don't know


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@SelfHelpGuy Don’t send unsolicited photos of any bodypart to anyone, I would do the same as your girl. It’s like sending random “funny” memes, it’s very uncharismatic. 9/10 times they don’t find it funny, if it’s a inside joke it might slide.

I mean if she did not find you photo funny, she “can’t” really say anything truthfully. 

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@Timothy @Nahm @Spiral It was an inside joke. 

I don't usually care about validation but I haven't 100% embodied it. 

I'll bring it up with her next time we talk. 

I'm very honest with her a lot of the time and she respects that.

But if she leaves me then how does that solve the issue, what if the next relationship I feel the same. 

How can I tackle the route issue? 

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I think you should get a phone that doesn't tell you if the other person read the message or not. I think that was the worst invention ever. You want to lose your girlfriend? Then bring up petty stuff like this. I'm sorry to be blunt, but girls don't like clingy guys. She didn't respond, who cares? just let it go. I get a bunch of texts from my husband that I don't respond to because I'm just busy or sometimes I just forget to press send on the message I was gonna send. You can't let this bug you otherwise you will never be happy or at peace.

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@Timothy @zoey101 Thanks guys.

Tbh some days have past and I'm looking back and thinking how I could possibly be bothered about this. It's pretty ridiculous.

I'm intrigued by the therapy option, how do you recommend I go about this? Any guidelines? 

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that is the problem of doing something waiting for some expectation, for the next one if you are going to be so self-conscious do not send anything, and communicate to her how you feel

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