
My body is dying. Help me Dry Fast.

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My body has been through incredible pain and suffering for a long time.

I abuse myself with foods.I also cant sleep at nights and i've reached point zero.Either i do something for my health or I'll die.

How can i dry fast properly?

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if youre body is really fucked up and weak, dry fasting is probabky not the smartest option.

juice fast sounds smarter.

in YouTube there are lot of information

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Read we want to live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz. 

“Let food be thy medicine”

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@Sirius Consider eating the way you already know you want to be eating. Let it be that easy. Be conscious when choosing food. If you slide back, and find you are eating what you don’t really want, eat it consciously. Go ahead and enjoy it, if you can. Just be present for it. 



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I think it would be wiser to try something less extreme first. Let dry fasting be a last resort. What have you tried?

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If you are already toxic dry fast could be risky because when you fast, toxins are released from the system and if there is lots of toxins stored within they can make you sick or worse. Its best to follow a more liquid based diet with many fresh detoxing fruits/vegetables/herbs until you feel fairly clean and healthy then work on the deeper cleanses like water and dry fasting.


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I want to offer a suggestion to try before any kind of fasting. It is called earthing. It is easy, it is real, and it is as natural as it gets. It will aid your sleep, possibly aid your chronic pain, and perhaps aid with other things you are not even looking to address.

I recommend the sheet and the mat. Make sure you wash the sheet properly every two weeks. Take good care of the mat as well. Even if it only makes you ten percent better it is worth it. After this, we will move on to something else that is fundamental, easy, and that you are probably overlooking.

I will not comment on anything else that you post until you report back to me with an update that you have acquired and are using the sheet and mat on a daily and nightly basis.


The kingdom of heaven is within.

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@Nahm I realized that i cant stop eating food, but i eat healthy.I avoid bread and dairy.And yeah, being conscious while eating it makes me enjoy it better.I was always falling into food unconsciously.My mind drags me into food all the time because of my emotional suffering.I know i shouldnt eat certain times but i cant seem to help it.

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@Colin well I'll stay on a healthy diet.Dry fasting is too extreme yeah

Thanks for the sheet and Mat suggestion but i dont think i can do it.

@plutoYeah i've heard of this.You're propably right.I wont dry fast.

My situation is way too hard to describe guys, doesnt even let me focus.

Thanks for your suggestions though




Edited by Sirius

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There is nothing in the des(s)ert, and man needs nothing.

Edited by RichardY

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If you really want to dry fast, ease into it. We all dry fast when we sleep. There's a huge difference between a several day dry fast and an overnight one.

For particularly toxic individuals, something like the protocol in Quantum Eating would be a great option (a 14-16 hour dry fast most days). However even this can be challenging, so best to listen to your body and not strain yourself too much.

And if you're currently eating a poor diet, would highly recommend switching to a whole foods based diet before trying any sort of prolonged fast. It sounds like you have an unhealthy relationship with food. For some, fasting can exacerbate that. Something like the "whole 30 challenge" would be an excellent way to change your relationship with food and learn to treat food more as a means of nourishment and less as a source of escape. Over time you can learn to derive great pleasure from nourishing your body properly.

Good luck!

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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You could go on a raw food, primarily fruit cleansing.  If your body is sick you will not heal within couple days, it may take months depending on your condition. 

Have you been tested for anything?

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On 5/6/2018 at 7:26 PM, Sirius said:

How can i dry fast properly?

 A man can fast, and he may be only torturing. He may be just against his own body, suicidal, masochistic. But then another man can fast and he may not be a torturer, and he may not be a masochist, and he may not be trying to destroy the body in any way. Rather, he may be trying to purify it. Fasting helps tremendously, but one needs to be very much aware that one is not destroying the body. 

Be deep in love with the body. And if you feel the fast is harming the body in any way, stop it. If the fast is helping the body, you will feel more energetic; you will feel more alive; you will feel rejuvenated, vitalized. This should be the criterion: if you start feeling that you are getting weaker, if you start feeling that a subtle trembling is coming into the body, then be aware -- now the thing is no longer a purification. It has become destructive. Stop it.

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